The open nature of Android makes it particularly interesting/entertaining for independent developers to hack away at apps and devices on their own, and when doing so, you’re often at a lonely desk with no social interaction beyond IRC or ChatRoulette. I’m sure you’re all familiar with “Meetups” of various kinds, and I’d love for Phandroid/AF to either host or be a part of one in the near future, especially after seeing the success of Android Hackathon in Silicon Valley.
It’s no secret that Phandroid/AF would LOVE to attract a more active development community, and we’re thinking of holding a dev contest of sorts in the near future, but what are your thoughts on a potential Phandroid/AndroidForums meetup/hackathon for all Android enthusiasts? Developers, consumers, and everybody in between? It would likely be in the DC/Baltimore area but we could also hold it before/during/after a large event like Google I/O.
In any case, congrats to the Android Hackathon event holders and their sponsors, it looks like it was a great time and hopefully it was productive as well.
[Via Marakana]