Black HTC Desire Unofficially Official For Orange UK

Chitter chatter on the twitter tweeter have led raised the “believe it meter” on Black HTC Desire rumors to almost 100%. After seeing leaked pictures of the “all black everything” device pop up last week, we’re now seeing Orange UK PR guy Conor Maples admit that the regular Desire will be available in early April with the black model coming in late April:

While the exclusive black color won’t get you more than a warm and fuzzy feeling and perhaps some doubletakes, it surely is a nice finish. Only available in the UK on Orange, we’re wondering if other countries might offer the all black version on certain carriers and if they do, I can see it being incredibly popular.

When they say “Early April” it seems they weren’t kidding – ElectricPig is reporting that some re-and-e/tailers are receiving shipments of the device this Friday, April 2nd. Let’s hope they don’t arrive a day early with a surprise for a fool or two.

Will you be making the HTC Desire yours in the upcoming month?

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