I’m not sure you can get more detailed a comparison between the Nexus One and iPhone when you’re putting the phones head-to-head and trying to determine who has the advantage where. The thorough analysts at ifixit.com hit me up with an interesting graphic that turn the whole comparison inside out, exploring every nook and cranny. My favorite portion? How they analyze battery replacement:
That little “3” probably makes you think there is some kind of sleight of hand going on that exaggerates all of this. Not the case and the link at the bottom of the page just details the process of switching out your iPhone battery. Of course you COULD list it as a 2 part process with something like: (1) put it in a box and send it to Apple, (2) pay a bunch of money and get it back.
They rightfully conclude that the Nexus One definitely hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves. With the HTC Desire, HTC Legend, HTC EVO 4G, Samsung Galaxy S and a bunch of other hot androids on the way, we’re not sure it ever will.
But onto that full comparison (click to enlarge):
[Via iFixIt]