Droid Doesn’t – Android 2.1 Delayed A-G-A-I-N

Motorola Droid owners were already promised and refused Android 2.1 once before and now it has happened again. Yesterday we saw Verizon announce Droid 2.1 update information and heard Motorola say that at 12 noon a limited number of people would get the update before rolling it out to the masses shortly after. Well, noon has passed and zero people have gotten the update with an expected zero people to have gotten it by the end of the day.

This internal screenshot leaked at Engadget explains it all:

To summarize in Shakespearean form:

Verizon/Moto: Art thou hungry?
Droid Owners: Starving!
Verizon/Moto: We hath brought edible delights to quench thy deepest hungers!
Droid Owners: Thank you!
Verizon/Moto: Just kidding
Droid Owners: ?
Verizon/Moto: Go away

Excuse me but I’m trying to distract myself from depressing reality of the situation.

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