Nexus One Lite/Cheap Flying To India?

nexus-one-indiaOften times manufacturers will take a high-end handset, make it smaller, slightly lower the specs, slap a name like “Lite” or “Mini” on it, slash the price and call it a day. Sony Ericsson is doing something similar with the X10 and we’ve seen Samsung do it with the Galaxy. But it happens everywhere. Now, thanks to a rumor from TechTree, we’re wondering if the same thing will happen to the Nexus One on its way to India.

The rumors are suggesting that the phone, which will be targeted towards developing markets where consumers have less disposable income, will keep its 3.7-inch screen but with a slimmer frame and less fancy innards. Whether it will be called the Nexus One, Nexus One Lite, or something else remains to be seen. And to be honest, whether this rumor holds any weight remains to be seen as well – it doesn’t seem like the most likely of scenarios but in this industry we’ve learned anything is possible.

[TechTree via A&M, Slashphone]

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