
MySpace Out-Androids Facebook: Most Downloaded Social App


Make fun of MySpace all you want for getting up and on their way to becoming the next Friendster – they have a much different view of their direction. And that view is supported by a pretty startling statistic: “MySpace Mobile has become the number one social application on the Android platform, and the third most popular downloaded application on Android.”

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I found that news to be quite outrageous, but checked each app in Android Market under the “Social” category, and sure enough MySpace is listed above Facebook. I believe those listings are based on a number of qualities – not just download count – but while both apps have “>250,000” downloads, MySpace has nearly 20,000 more ratings which suggests their facts are accurate.

mobile photos

They attribute their success to their “deep integration with the Android platform” and note such unqiue features as homescreen widgets, voice-enabled status updates, setting photos as wallpaper, integration with camera and more. These are mostly features that Facebook has as well, but MySpace DOES enjoy a better rating on Android Market.

So is my view about MySpace greatly lagging behind Facebook a figment of my imagination, skewed by my own use and preference? I realize the Phandroid readership isn’t exactly a cross-section of the average Android-using public (You and I are much more cool) – but just for Giggles let’s find out who has what installed:

[polldaddy poll=2826514]

[Via MySpace Pressroom]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Is this really accurate though? Since Facebook is already integrated with Android 2.0, it wouldn’t count as a download, would it?

  2. Really? People still use MySpace? Who knew?

  3. I believe it.

    The MySpace app is alot better and actually useable. MySpace still has heaps of users – millions – Facebook just has more.

    I keep the Facebook app around because sometimes breaks and sucks. The app is a pain to use and I really wish they’d improve it, but Zuckerberg hates Google and is in bed with Microsoft so I’m willing to bet Facebook’s Android department is one person who gets 5 hours a month to code for the app.

  4. Coming from iPhone, the Facebook for Android app is a joke. Ugly, lacks a lot of fonctionnality and points to the mobile (not the touch) version of the website at every tap (even on notifications).
    I don’t use Myspace so i never installed the app, but it seems a lot more polished than the Facebook one.
    Plus, the european version (at least on Milestone) doesn’t even sync contacts (btw, if someone have the last APK of the US/Droid version, let me know !)

  5. Both MySpace and Facebook seem pointless to me, but then I don’t use either site.

    Social internet sites are the bane of the connected world. But one then they do right is gather all the idiots of the world in one place so that I can ignore them easily.

  6. I dont use either on my phone, but use facebook on the computer. I had a myspace a long time ago and recently went and checked on it, and they made it alot like facebook now. not so much when you go view someone elses page, but your own home page that gives you your updates. and I know plenty of people who use both, and alot of them like myspace more… but its probably because most their friends arent on facebook yet.

  7. thats bcuz all of these high school kids still use myspace..i downloaded the app, it is mch better than facebook for android..but removed it b/c im never on myspace….but i never use the facebook app either…i prefer

  8. The official facebook app is right around the worst android app I have on my phone, this inspired me to go and vote it one star just like it deserves. Everyone needs to go and do the same, that way maybe Facebook feels more inspired to make a better app, cause the current one should never be downloaded by anyone.

  9. @ Afif Aboudi I second that. Although the note on ratings is interesting…

  10. Does that statistic take into account all of the 3rd party Facebook apps… the Facebook for Android app is awful, but the 3rd party app for Facebook… Bloo… is very good…

  11. I had both apps on my phone, but uninstalled Myspace. Everybody jumped ship from Myspace to Facebook. Myspace is too cluttered with wallpapers and videos embedded on people’s pages anyways. The app was fairly clean, but I don’t know anybody that still uses Myspace.

    I personally don’t see what’s so bad about the Facebook app, although it would be nice to be able to do such simple things as change a profile picture using it.

    I work in T-Mobile’s customer service and we get TONS of questions about using Facebook on different models of phones every day. I honestly can’t remember the last time someone asked me about how to use Myspace.

  12. I use the facebook app on occasion but it needs improving as its not that amazing.

  13. Myspace is still in business? Let me go check my profile. I haven’t been there in ages…

  14. Like Afif Aboudi said, I think this is because the Facebook app is pre-installed on most android phones. For example on my Droid, if look up Facebook in the market, it says Facebook is not installed.

  15. I don’t use Myspace, but from your description the Myspace app is leagues ahead of the Facebook one. I do remember that Myspace was released to market a fairly longer time before Facebook. And thus, probably, has more iterations than Facebook.

    I agree with the previous comments, the facebook app is dead basic; pushing you to the mobile site at every click. With the description of features you gave, if I had any friends on Myspace, I’d certainly give the app a spin.

    A side note: I always choose apps that are better integrated into the Android system over others, with all else equal. Developers should take heed, a better experience is… well, a better experience.

  16. Myspace launched as one of the first Apps on the Android Market. It took nearly a year before Facebook was available in the market. Myspace’s lead is a result of it’s time in market vs. Facebook’s… not usage. No matter how much better Myspace’s app is than Facebooks, the fact of the matter is NO ONE USES MYSPACE.

    Other commenters are right. Since preloading FB on Droid/2.0+ devices, you no longer have to seek it out and download it. There was a short period of time after Facebook launched on Android that it overtook the number one slot. Once Droid launched (and with it intergrated FB) that changed.

  17. The facebook app for android isn’t good at all. The newsfeed isn’t up to date with the desktop. You can’t access events or messages. It’s hard to navigate to the “home” screen for the app when looking at someones profile.

    The whole program feels like an afterthought especially after seeing the new app for webOS. I’m not sure how many people facebook has dedicated for mobile apps, but they should spend some time on the android app.

  18. Your mother is on facebook!

    Check out Myspace again, I did. The content is excellent compared to facebook. Besides, I’m tired of my friends moms sending me friend requests!

  19. Yea the Facebook app ships with 2.x but I don’t think that has that much to do with it. The Myspace app was around for about a year before an official Facebook app ever showed up in the market. I’m sure if the data were broken down month by month it would be much more telling.

  20. I think that facebook would be loads better if it didnt have all the annoying hugs and kisses and bloody poking stuff all the time, if it didnt have that it would be really useful

  21. myspace eats a lot of space on my g1…i had to nix my dolphin browser and some pointless apps to fit it. facebook is growing into a space hog as well but i think it covers more functionality to its whole than myspace mobile.

    @srleadjb…ill tell my mom to stop requesting you, but its your booty call youre missing out on

  22. My what?

  23. I don’y have either, but I use Facebook a lot. I have the Cliq with motoblur, so having a Facebook app is really pointless for me since I can do what I need straight from Blur.

  24. I originally signed up for MySpace years ago for 2 reasons: reconnecting with a particular old friend and a particular local band. I remember when Facebook was still limited to college students. I never switched because even though I know they opened it to everyone and there’s more soccer moms than students now, I could never get over the gut feeling of being a “creepy stalker” (yes, even though I’m female). I really had no reason as I don’t do the social networking thing. MySpace does have their IM client with Skype, however, which I found very useful while a friend was overseas. Now that he’s home, we call or text.

  25. Myspace still has a edge now that they see where there mistakes was in the first place.

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