Germany To Get BLURRED By Motorola Backflip

Germany hasn’t yet got to enjoy the love/hate relationship between Motorola’s BLUR Android build and the people loving/hating it – but they soon will. Motorola Europe’s Facebook page has just announced that the Motorola Backflip is headed to Germany. One would THINK this to be an exciting development, but comments suggest otherwise – they’ve only got the Droid/Milestone mishap on their minds:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

moto-bootloaderComments continue in the that fashion for awhile. Twenty-four comments and counting, I can only imagine how many people would have clicked the “DISLIKE” button if it existed (get on it Facebook).

Is this Motorola Milestone Bootloader issue more important than the launch of a new Motorola device – the first with Motorola BLUR – in Germany? I realize only a small population of our readership is from Germany but that doesn’t mean your opinion counts any less (keep in mind bootloader info would theoretically allow root MOD). Not to mention the bootloader issue is an entire European problem if I’m not mistaken.


[polldaddy poll=2781118]

If there are folks who feel REALLY strongly about this and would like to write a “guest” article, perhaps I’ll compile all the responses/articles I get and make one big Milestone Bootloader plea article. But if you do, PLEASE use “Bootloader” as the subject and send it to my first name at this website dot com.

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