We figured this would happen: Apple issued a press release claiming they were filing suit over HTC’s alleged infringement of 20 iPhone related patents but said little else. Now the filings have been found and Apple calls out Android by name, taking issue with only HTC’s phones that feature Google’s mobile OS.
You can check out scanned images of the 41 page document at Engadget and TechCrunch also found 10 of the 20 patents Apple claims HTC infringed upon:
Some of these just sound ludicrous – I mean, “Unlocking a device using a touchscreen”? Give me a break. I’m sure there is some substance to Apple’s lawsuit or they wouldn’t be making it. Or maybe they’re just hoping that something holds up and they’re taking a long shot. I get the idea Apple is scared – very scared – of Android’s potential and HTC is currently their champion, although Motorola is trying to make a case.
The show is just starting ladies and gentlemen – I’m thinking we’ll see some type of public response from HTC and probably a long drawn out behind-the-scenes process before we know how it will all turn out.
Any patent lawyers in the room? Anyone going to sift through all these documents? If you uncover any juicy details you know who to share them with!
UPDATE: Engadget is doing a blow by blow of the patents – check it out.