
Blizzard Cancels DC Dev Lab, Free Phones Still Enjoyed


blizzardIn case you forgot, the Maryland/DC/Virginia area got pummeled by several feet of fluff that caused the Android Dev Lab scheduled for February 9th to be canceled. If you were one of the folks who planned to attend you might want to check your E-Mail – her is what one Phandroid reader is reporting they received:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Hi everyone,

As you know, Snowmaggedon prevented us from putting on an Android Developer Lab in Washington, DC last month. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to find a good time to reschedule in the near future, but we’ll do our best to make it up in the next round of Android Developer Labs.

In the meantime, we’d like to ship you an Android device to help you along in your Android development.

To receive this gift, please fill out this form no later than 5pm EST on Tuesday, March 9th, 2010.

[Link Removed]

Note that this is only for attendees that received a confirmation email for the Android Developer Lab in Washington, DC. Clicking the link will pre-fill the email address you registered with and your confirmation code. For speedy processing, please do not change these fields.


The Android Team

Government closed. No school. Free phone. What more can you ask for? Ummmm…. obviously a Blizzardly Google Buzz Demo and/or maybe even a spoof of one.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Send me a copy of the form please. It needs to be before the deadline though :P

  2. Yeah, I got my email last night. While I’m not knocking getting anything for free, I would have preferred to have the even rescheduled. I had code questions that need answers!

  3. Yeah Brenton me too. I got mine last night I wonder what they are going to send.

  4. @Brenton well….if ur not going to use ur free android device…..?? lol

  5. When you said Blizzard, I thought you meant Blizzard Entertainment (aka Warcraft/Starcraft/etc.)… heh

  6. same as above lol i was like ” oh crap… WoW mobile for droid, shit”

  7. Wimps!! Shmoocon was held during the snowpocalypse. Went great except for that chunk of ice blasting through the skylight, and all the canceled flights getting out of DC, but other than that….

  8. can someone please send me a copy of the form…lol

  9. does anyone know when the next one of these things is? i wanna go to one cause i wanna start developing some apps and maybe some roms.

  10. Does anyone have a clue about whether someone is working on an interface to ‘common access card’ readers, so that secure identification can be used on Android as it is on Blackberry or WinMo?

  11. Hove you guys received your phone yet?
    I’m still waiting.
    Wonder what takes them so long!!

  12. Haven’t gotten my “android device” yet either, was starting to lose hope. Perhaps it isn’t a phone, ipad competition perhaps?

  13. Got mine today!! A Droid.
    It requires signature, so no worry about being stolen by the kid next door :)

  14. Me too, Wife hid it in the fridge, found it when I started dinner :)
    The Droid rocks thus far!

  15. Got mine yesterday. Free Droid, with an activated verizon phone and voice a/c.
    The accompanying letter said, it’s valid for 30days, will have to wait and see. For now free phone + voice + data :-).

  16. Is that Droid an unlocked version or are you stuck with Verizon with that phone? Does that take SIM card? Thanks.

  17. @Jason
    It’s a CDMA phone locked to verizon. It doesn’t take a sim card.

  18. I guess the only option is either to replace your existing Verizon phone/plan with the Droid, if you already use Verizon that is, or use it over the wifi… Thanks, gumnaam…

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