
Quake 3 Successfully Ported To Android 2.0 Devices


If your a gamer and remember the good old days when Quake on your PC was the epitome of gaming, then here is some of the best Android news yet!  A user by the name of Thunderbird2k has succesfully ported Quake 3 to his Motorola Milestone. As of now, it is optimized to play on devices with a physical keyboard but hopefully it can be further developed to be used on all Android devices.

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Thunderbird2k says:

“It took more steps to optimize performance, improve and control the sound and network to add. Without sound the game runs at 25fps now, while the original game could be played with a framerate of over forty.”


Quake 3 is designed to run on Android 2.0 devices and can be found via Thunderbird2k’s project page. From what I’ve seen the most inconsistent part is the frame rate that seems to jump around based on the size of the map you are playing on. Users are reporting frame rates of around 20-30fps but that it drops significantly on large maps or when your battles get intense. Good news, however, as the project is open source and can be improved with some other developer’s contributions. As a huge fan of Quake 3, I am definitely going to give this one a shot, anyone else planning on trying it out?

[via Tweakers]

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  1. Played it on iPhone OS (or some iteration of Quake) and it needed alot of work.

    Good potential though.

  2. This along with the improvements with Dalvik Turbo, shall be a sight to see.

  3. Just curious because I’m new to android, the install instructions list the following.

    “Download the kwaak3.apk from the download section and install it on your phone”

    How do I “install” that on the phone? copying it from my computer is pretty obvious but is there some installer app for things like this? I have the Astro file manager if that helps. If I can figure out how to install this though I’ll definitely be trying it out. Rocket jumping ftw.

  4. the simple thing to do to get higher speed is overclocking the droid to speeds of the nexus one i believe. quake 3 was real awesome game

  5. flyinion: Go to Settings > Applications and check “Unknown sources.” This will allow you to install unsigned apps. You will probably need some kind of file manager to launch the file, though. There are some great ones, but I recommend Astro. Search for it in the market.

  6. Yep I have Astro, and actually I think I just learned how to install non-market apps. I just saw the Google Earth story and the Dev’s page had instruction on how to install the .apk, really easy stuff :)

  7. What’s different between this and the earlier Quake port that was removed from the Market after the cease and decist from iD regarding it?

    Don’t want to bother with a new rev only to find it dropping support in the future.

  8. Thats pretty sweet :)

  9. Just got it working on my Droid pretty awesome! NOTE: Apparently you will need a CD Key. I just Googled “quake 3 cd key” and easily found one. (It needs to be a key without numbers because numbers didn’t seem to work when I tried punching them in, only letters)

  10. the website says it works on 1.6

  11. @Logan This was compiled using the NDK (ie C/C++ code), so I don’t think we’ll see much of a performance improvement when we get a JITing JVM.

  12. There was an old trick for Quake 3 CD keys, just enter all zeros. It won’t work online, but the game will work just fine. Anyone know where to get the wad for this being that my Q3 CD is long trashed by now?

  13. Wow, this works… works great. If I had a external mouse and key board, I could play quake for real on the phone.

  14. Just so you know, it works on my G1, and it works on anything 1.6 or up. To get it running, you can download the demo and point release from id’s FTP site, and just take the pak files from there. I get a decent 20 fps, but be warned, if you’re not on a Droid, disable sound or else you’ll just crash every single time.

  15. Remember, the CD key was never necessary. You could enter it, but you didn’t have to to play. If you enter the CD key, you get some extra things, I forget what though. just hit enter twice, and away you go.

  16. Anyone got a link to the pak0.pk3 file?

  17. Will this work on android 2.1?

  18. where you downloading this game you matherfuckers

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