GoGear Connect: Android Media Player From Phillips Coming In July


First of all, yes – there are portable media players besides the iPod. Second of all, Phillips is the manufacturer of some devices in this class, most recently the GoGear Muse. At a media event, the company just announced that it would make an Android version of this media player called the GoGear Connect and it should be launching in July 2010.

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The above images is of the non-Android Muse, but company officials claim the GoGear Connect will be a very similar form factor but have GPS and Wi-Fi tacked on. Some expected specs:

  • 3.2-inch HVGA touchscreen
  • Haptic feedback
  • Bluetooth
  • microSD card slot
  • 8GB internal memory
  • TV-out port
  • GPS & Wi-Fi as stated above
  • Full Android Market

That last one especially floats my boat. I’m a bit surprised a manufacturer hasn’t already launched, or attempted to launch, a main stream and ultra-affordable Android media player. Could the GoGear Connect be it?

[Via Pocket-Lint]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. man i know this doesnt fit here but when the heck is the nexus one finally coming to germany??? Are there no rumors? Since the one with february was wrong I thought maybe this march? my contract goes only for 1 month and I wanna get it as a cheaper phone through the endingt contract…tell me phandroid!!! ^^

  2. i gotta have one of these!!!!

  3. they should sell the media player software portion on the market so we can finally get proper divx, etc playback – assuming this thing would support divx and a range of other formats that most media players do nowadays.

  4. So no touchscreen but full access to Android Market? Well that’s going to be useful…
    Anyway Android with just three buttons and a d-pad seems a bit awkward to me. It’d better come with a touchscreen or it’s going to be useless.

  5. @mikal iyt clearly says 3.2-inch HVGA touchscreen

  6. @Mikal I don´t know but I think “3.2-inch HVGA touchscreen” meens touchscreen ;)

  7. why does everything seems to be coming in the 2nd half of the year?!

  8. I once had saw a Radio Shack employee touch the screen of a dumb phone and say to someone, “see, it has a touchscreen”

  9. The GPS ability for a music app I just don’t get, but if they have a useful function for it then more power to them. The stock media player isn’t all that bad, just lacks some major functions. So bring it on Phillips…

  10. aww, crap I guess I forgot my (google)goggles…
    Or maybe I can get away with: nawww, it wasn’t there before! They added it later!
    Hm, sounds a whole lot better then!

  11. PhiLips, the company’s name is PhiLips, one “L”. Please people, get it right :(

  12. finally, an MP3 player that isnt made by apple or MS that actually seems cool. im just curious as to what version of android this will have, if it is gonna be a resistive or capacitive touch screen, and how much it will be.

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