There are a million different “awards” events, shows and contests when it comes to end of the year results, but there is no doubt that Engadget is one of the biggest and most influential tech sites on the planet; what they say matters. And it isn’t just their editors – with outrageous readership numbers, the “Reader’s Choice Awards” are equally important in terms of taking a cross-section of the tech-loving public. Take into account their history of rampant iPhone fanboys/commenters and I think you could say the gadget/smartphone tide is turning.
CONGRATS ANDROID LOVERS! Your platform is no longer STARTING to get the love and respect it deserves – it already has. Now onto bigger and better things like taking over the world. Muahahaha.
By the way, I photoshopped that picture of Shaun White and his fellow medal placing American holding up the Droid just so I could somehow randomly fit in the need to tell you should watch his Half-Pipe performance if you haven’t yet seen it. You can see a bunch of the videos here.