Premium Memberships Now Available!

It’s been 2+ years since Google announced Android and over the past 2+ years we’ve received an unbelievable amount of support from readers of Phandroid and members of AndroidForums. From offering monetary donations and contributing time/expertise to simply reaching out and saying “Thank You”, we’ve gotten a lot of love and we appreciate all of it.

We’ve come a LONG way since November 2007: AndroidForums now has about 70,000 members and at any given time you can find thousands of people on the site. With over 360,000 posts, AF is a treasure trove of information for Android Newbs and Veterans alike, and we aim to make the site friendly for both extremes. The bottom line is that we have a rapidly growing user base who want to see new features and improvements… and we want to provide them. At the same time, we have tons of members who WANT to contribute so that AF/Phan can invest in these site improvements. That’s why we’re proud to introduce the AndroidForums Premium Membership.

While Premium members WILL get a pretty cool package of upgrades, we consider it more of a “reward for donating”. Here is the breakdown:

To become a Premium Member on you must first register a standard account and then proceed to the Premium Membership page which can also be found in the small blue nav bar on AF. We’ve also added a $5/month option if you’d like to pay less… and if you want to donate MORE or remain ANONYMOUS we’ve allowed direct PayPal donations as well.

We have a TON of ideas for new features – I don’t want to make promises now because I’ve learned the hard way how plans fall through – but your continued support will allow us to pursue our ideas and plans and bring you the best darn Android news, community, information and much much more. And by the way, we’ll be adding more and more special privileges for premium members as time goes on!

FUN SIDE NOTE: All finalists in our Nexus One Funny Video Contest will get a FREE 6-month AF Premium Membership! So far we’ve got 30 entries.

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