
Motorola Devour $150 At BestBuy?


You should have trusted us when we told you the Motorola Devour would be available at BestBuy. If you didn’t before, you will now – the woodworks have churned out a picture of the price tag:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


And a case:


And how you’ll feel when you rip open your Devour:


With the Motorola Devour headed to Verizon Wireless and the Motorola Backflip headed to AT&T… MOTO is really starting to run game!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. they are making ALOT of phones. but like my mom always said its not about quantity its about quality. why these phones are not getting Android 2+ out the door? i can understand why they would not be getting 2.1 but not getting 2.0 or 2.0.1 is beyond me. Motos first phone had 2.0 and that phone came out about 4 months ago.

  2. Who cares about the price with a overpriced contract.

  3. I dont see why Verizon users get the Devour and AT&T gets the much nicer looking backflip. And no ty on the Android 1.5 for only $50 less then the Droid and you can find the Droid for $150 at some online retailers.

  4. +1 on who cares? It’s close to the price of a Droid but a much poorer performer. If I wanted a Droid, I’d own one. I’ve been eligible for NE2 for four months. VZW want to lock me in for a couple more years? Bring me an HTC device running 2.1 (preferably w/Sense) and I’m IN.

  5. tony … same here. i’ve been waiting for 4 months for a more powerful HTC (virtual kybd) device to hit verizon. nada so far. i can only wait so long … guess i’ll have to start looking at other carriers.

  6. my girlfriend said devour is $100 via her corporate plan, so $150 at bestbuy sounds like markup to me

  7. Yeah ill agree with tony and rick, they need to make phones that will not only run good, but last for as long as you need. but, with all the reviews ive seen about the devour, i bet itll perform just as good as any other android phone out there.

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