Huawei SmaKit S7

If you thought the Dell Mini 5 (5-inch screen) was big for a phone, you haven’t seen the Huawei SmaKit S7 (7-inch screen)! In all due fairness, the device is considered a MID with 3G voice capabilities, and with Bluetooth you’ll probably be using a headset to talk more often than not. Either way, it looks like another winning announcement from Huawei.

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Here is what the company had to say about the device:

The SmaKit S7 has a 7-inch wide screen with a resolution of 800 x 480. It supports information-sharing across screens to present the same content simultaneously on computers, mobile phones and TV screens. The SmaKit S7 tablet allows users to easily access local information, visit social networking websites and shop from online application stores. To provide end-users with an integrated home solution, Smakit S7 can be connected to home gateway, TV or Android handsets.

I’m loving the look and feel of the SmaKit although that sounds a bit perverted when taking the device’s name into consideration (Smack It?). Oh come on… lighten up!

The SmaKit S7 has 720p video and HDMI Out after placing it into a docking station. The dock also includes 2 USB ports as a nice added touch. Our friend Charbax snagged a video demo:

smakitphoneMy favorite part of the video – by FAR – is at about 2 minutes 30 seconds in when he asks about 3G and the rep, trying to hold back a smile, says, “If you don’t mind it’s too big you can make calls like that,” as he puts the huge device up to his ear. Priceless.

The SmaKit S7 itself may seem priceless but how much would you be willing to pay for it?

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