
Verizon & Skype Making Joint Announcement At MWC


Traditional mobile carriers and VoIP services haven’t really mixed in the past. Verizon Wireless, until their adoption of Android, had been considered one of the most “closed” carriers on the planet. Google Voice was a ray of hope that still hasn’t caught on with the masses but wait… what do we have here?

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Verizon and Skype are hosting a Joint Press Conference at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Tuesday, February 16th at 11:15am EST – mark it on your calendar.You can also call in and listen to the event live if it has you all giddy – nice little option!

We’re not sure EXACTLY what they’ll announce but just because its Verizon and Skype you can venture a guess that probably wouldn’t be too far off. And if they announce a new Skype app/service for Verizon Android Phones I would be ELATED because the current app is sub par at best. They’ll probably announce a merger followed by a headquarter move to Scandinavia:


Not funny? Fine… then what do you think they’ll announce? Any Android implications?

The Who/What/When/Where:

Verizon Wireless, the leading wireless provider in the United States, and Skype, the software that enables the world’s conversations

Verizon Wireless and Skype will hold a news conference during the 2010 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Speakers will include:

  • John Stratton, executive vice president and chief marketing officer, Verizon Wireless
  • Josh Silverman, chief executive officer, Skype

GSMA Media Centre, Hall 2.1, Press Conference Room 3
Fira de Barcelona
Av. Reina Maria Cristina, s/n, 08004
Barcelona, Spain

To listen to a teleconference of the news conference, participants may call:
877-883-4690 (toll free within the U.S. and Canada)
+1 706-758-5386 (international)
Conference ID: 57101247

5:15 p.m. CET (11:15 a.m. EST / 8:15 a.m. PST) on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Skype being network specific (on Android) = fail.

  2. VeriSon. woo!

  3. I don’t think Verizon is partnering with Skype to take it over, that would be sad if it were true. No, I think Verizon is just finally coming around to free services, they saw what embracing Android did for their sales and they are now realizing that getting free services and apps will boost their image and sales. Now this is an optimistic viewpoint but one I’m willing to put out there. Wouldn’t it be great if Verizon had a good Skype app that allowed for a phone with a forward facing camera to video chat/conference to other phones? The future will go there eventually, companies can either join in or stand in the way and get bowled over by progress.

  4. Ahh there going to cut off my Canadan Pay Skype, or maby expand it so that I can get a “SkypeIn” in Canada??

  5. I think it’s likely to end up.. You’ll either pay the carrier for minutes or you will pay extra for Skype access.. Ass, gas or cash, nobody rides for free.

  6. I agree with Dennis. I think it’ll be some sort of income sharing agreement for skype voip calls.

  7. But if its on a Wifi connection, Verizon isn’t even in the picture. A skype app for android that hooks into your Wifi would be so cool and way late. This should have been done months ago.

    If you want to make/receive Skype calls over your verizon account, well I guess. Not me. use Skype as it was intended, Internet(wifi), not on a 3/4G account

  8. Cont.

    This begs the question: If you are using Clearwire (wimax) on you notebook and run skype, your not paying anything additional are you? Or is Wimax and company blocking Skype packets?

  9. I am curious. :)

  10. Probably the same deal Three Network have in the UK. Skype to Skype calls for free but no use of Skype out for calling with your Skype credit. The last version of Skype on Three UK I tried had lifted the bar on using you Skype out credit for overseas calls.
    I doubt we will get a full WIFI enabled Skype client, but live in hope.

  11. Hopefully a proper Skype client, though that doesn’t require Verizon.
    I’d imagine it’s more like ‘phone X is coming to Verizon and it’ll have Skype on it’

    Apparently Fring is good, until that happens. It works over wifi and can connect up to Skype.

  12. I one Android phone user who doesn’t use the phone part much at all and I think Verizon may be going proactive about carriers that might do data only plans with some VoIP. I think they would sell a lot more phones and retain customers if instead of $70 a month people only had to pay $30 (or even $40). Believe it ore not there is a whole lot of people who don’t yap on their cellphones all the time.

  13. A merger? Isn’t Skype owned by eBay?

  14. I would guess a Google Voice like service through Skype.

    Skype becomes the dual-mode WiFi service (like T-Mobile offers) so when you go out of a VZW service area with your Verizon phone you can still make calls as if it is your own number (in and out.) You could even go full wifi and have it work that way.

    There are several phones that do that with Enterprise PBXs like Cisco and Avaya. Nokia makes them. When they are on the Enterprise Wifi network they take calls from the PBX, when outside, they use the carrier network.

  15. I work for Verizon, and at the kick off our area president said that we would be rolling out some very competitive international plans in the near future…possibly has something to do with skype?

  16. Dennis – it’s “ass, gas, or hash” i believe. regardless, you’re on the money – there’s not many ways that consumers will benefit from this. unlike now, where you can rig sipdroid up for free network calling (no VZ minutes), i’m sure they’re going to cut that avenue off for more money.

    we’re talking verizon, after all. network good, everything else bad.

  17. sorry – “ass, gas, or grass” is what i was thinking…

  18. skype the most closed voip system on the formerly most closed mobile network… how fitting

  19. If i could pay $40/month for a data plan then do skype for $3/month i would do it in a second.

  20. What about Flash??

  21. What about Flash?? Are we ever going to see it? Is it just a tease to get buyers like this? Patiently waiting and waiting and waiting…

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