Those At TED Get A Free Nexus One!

This year’s TED conference is in full swing and it seems as though the 1,500 fortunate people in attendance have serious reason to rejoice. Google has decided to give them all a free unlocked Nexus One. Seeing as how tickets are $6,000 a piece, those in attendance don’t need a free phone, but considering how many influential people are there, it seems like a good investment for Google.

Anyone else at least a tad bit jealous? I know I am, but for a $6,000 price of admission I think I would much rather pay the full retail price of $529. Seems like Google is doing a pretty good job of giving away Nexus Ones to help market it and get it out there, I mean it’s the least they could do after paying $6,000 to get in.

[via MobileCrunch]

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