
Motorola Zeppelin Gets Pictured, Coming March 10th


motorola-zeppelinThe folks at Gizmodo Brazil snagged some pictures of the upcoming Motorola Zeppelin. It’s looking like it will rock Android 1.5 and come with MOTOBLUR in tow. The guys at TMOnews are maintaining a March 10th launch date so prepare yourselves now – that’s less than 1.5 months away!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

More pictures over at Giz Braz (translated to English)

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I hate 1.5.

  2. you are welcome. this phone is cool

  3. I see what you did there with the 1.5 thing… neat.

  4. ^ +1 haha

  5. it seems like the superbowl ad will announce the backflip(att), the devour(verizon), and the zeppelin (tmo). this badboy better get somtin special to make up for the lack of a qwerty keyboard. like… MULTITOUCH AND A 1GHZ PROCESSER! YEAH!

  6. wait… does this look strangely like the heron minus the keyboard?

  7. But…this phone didn’t have to be dual sim?

  8. that screen looks TINY. looks less than 3.2 inches.

    athir, i don’t see it. what did he do?

  9. This means that the rumor of the MOTOROI aka Sholes Tablet won’t be the March 10th release by T-Mo. DAMNIT! This is getting outrageously frustrating T-MO! There are a few G-1 customers, and others without an Android phone wanting to re-up with a real android, not this toy crap. And the Nexus One would be great but I am not about to give up my current plan for the forced plan by purchasing with Google!

  10. urgh… where is the vomit button?

  11. pretty good phone..check the specs…its comparable to the droid


  12. This handset won’t blow your mind away with its design and the same can be said for its specifications, featuring a 3.2″ display at 320 × 480 resolution, a 5-megapixel camera, HSPA and Wi-Fi connectivity as well as a trackpad…..

    Not that great a phone, but worth buying if you’re in BR. Details: http://bit.ly/motorola-zeppelin-details

  13. wait. no keyboard again?

    FFS. when will they try making phones with a friggin keyboard?

  14. I don’t understand why they keep making phones wwith1.5……I mean I can understand it if its going to be a cheap are free phone……yap know?

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