
Moto Backflip Tumbles Into China


motus2Remember the Motorola Backflip we told you about a while back? Well, it turns out that AT&T’s first Android handset has been seen tumbling around in China. Available for 4,298 Chinese yuan, the low low price of $629 US, gets you an unlocked Motorola Backflip with an 8GB memory card and a car charger. Check the fact sheet and see if this is the Android device you’ve been waiting for. The phone has us doing backflips… how about you?

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[via UnwiredView]

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  1. Going to be interesting to see how this. …different phone sells

  2. I cant stop looking online for new leaks about this phone! ive been waiting months. i can not wait to get rid of my icrap! ive owned 3 iphones now and every one has had the home button go out with in 7 months. im so over apple iphone’s. there is only 2 apps on the iphone that i cant get on the android market that i will have to part with but i can make do!!!!!!! please march 7th come sooner!!!!

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