Verizon FIOS App For Android Gives You On-The-Go TiVo

Don’t ask me why I used TiVo in the title. It’s just one of those things. I use Google Maps exclusively but I’ll always tell someone “just Mapquest it”. I guess it’s the same reason you call a tissue a Kleenex, a photocopy a Xerox, or heck – an internet search a Google (regardless of whether or not you’re using Bing).

ANYWAYS, if you’re a customer of Verizon FIOS TV and have an Android Phone then YOU my friend are in luck: an application will let you manage your upcoming recordings directly from your device. You may have already known that a web-based version of this service already existed, but the Android application takes the cake.

What can you do with the free application?

If you’ve got Verizon FIOS TV this seems like a must-have application, and I’ve gotta give credit to Kevin Tofel of JKonTheRun for reviewing this for all the Android Lovers out there.

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