ZTE Joins OHA, Promises 1st Quarter Android

zteThe Open Handset Alliance is growing and growing and ZTE is the latest manufacturer to hop aboard the Android Express. In a short breathed press release the company said they’ve been exploring the platform and now they’re officially ready to rock and roll:

“With the growing trend and popularity of Android smartphones, ZTE is committed to invest in this innovative platform to meet the market demand,” said Mr. Lin Qiang, General Manager of ZTE Smartphones. “To accommodate this trend, ZTE has invested heavily in the research and development of Android smartphones during the last year. In the first quarter of this year ZTE will launch smartphones based on the Android platform.”

A couple months ago we heard that ZTE was rumored to launch Androids in 2010 and that it could be headed to America – let’s hope we can soon check it off our list. Hmmm…. I wonder if it will be solar powered?

[Via Press Release]

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