Motorola Backflip Video Demo

At first glance the Motorola Backflip doesn’t look like anything we haven’t yet seen – in fact it looks a lot like a Moto CLIQ-Clone. But if that were the case the Backflip would be the ultra-flexible, double jointed, ridiculously bendable version. The phone – which was announced earlier this week – has a unique and appropriately named form factor that you have to see to believe.

We grabbed a Motorola rep who was using the Backflip as their personal device to give us a quick tour of both the hardware and software:

One thing I love about the Backflip might just be a matter of consequence: the 5MP camera is normally positioned on the rear of the device but because of the acrobatics it becomes a front facing camera when it tumbles into an open position. For the “vloggers” out there or folks who aren’t the best at taking self-pics for facebook, this oughta help.

I’m also a big fan of that rear touch pad for web browsing if only to prevent accidental link clicking. Scrolling up and down throughout the page without being visually hindered from your fingers blocking the screen is also pretty nice.

Beyond the obvious benefits you get from the hardware, the Backflip is – as you may have guessed – a lot like the Motorola CLIQ in looks and specs. If you want to talk to others about the device to ask questions or share tips, head on over to our Motorola Backflip Forum!

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