Hey Europe: You Want Google Navigation But Can’t Have It

google-maps-navigationI’m sure Google would LOVE to allow Europeans, Asians, Africans, South Americans, Australians, Canadians and even Antarcticans to enjoy the wonders of Google Navigation on their Android Phone. Unfortunately, licensing restrictions have prevented Google from offering their service anywhere except the United States. Bummer… right?

Not so fast! Clever hackers got Google Nav working in Europe and all rejoiced. Not so fast again! Google has just countered by somehow shutting down navigation outside the US. Now the folks at XDA are working on a counter for the counter.

So let me see here… all of these people are desperately trying to get Google Navigation on their mobile device because it has all the wonderful benefits of Turn-By-Turn Navigation with the added capabilities of a mobile phone. Thank you for stating the obvious, Berg Insight (from CrunchGear):

Analyst firm, Berg Insight, thinks that eighty-eight percent of all GPS units shipped in 2015 will have cellular connectivity. This seems like a blindingly obvious prediction to me… [continued]…Of course, in 2015 no one will remember this report, so it really doesn’t matter if they are right or wrong. I predict that they are wrong. I think the industry is going to move much faster than this analyst has predicted, due to technology like Google’s new navigation on the Android phone.

I’m sure Google blocked this capability for their own legal protection, but I’m sure they’re simultaneously working their butts off to ensure they can offer Navigation worldwide. Until then, I guess the Garmin’s and TomToms of the world have a bit larger window of opportunity to catch up.

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