
Motorola Zhiling: Keyboardless Droid-O-Phone On December 28th


motorola-mt710The Motorola Zhiling is the manufacturer”s first Android Phone made for China Mobile’s “Open Mobile System” line of phones that they brand “OPhone”. It isn’t EXACTLY like a Moto Droid with no keyboard but to draw that comparison is certainly not a stretch.

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The Zhiling has model number MT710 and will go on sale starting December 28th. It comes with China Mobile’s 3G standard (TD-SCDMA), Wi-Fi, 5MP camera, 3.7-inch screen and more. The inclusion of Wi-Fi is only possible because of a security protocol included – China has previously banned Wi-Fi on mobile phones.

Over at the Motorola Developer’s portal they’ve listed all the specs for the Motorola MT710 Zhiling so I suggest you check out the nitty gritty details over there!

[Yahoo News via EngadgetMobile]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Looking interesting. Why the red on one side though?

  2. There is much more different than just the keyboard compared to the Droid.

    Different display..Droid is much better

    Different Storage…Droid doesn’t have 4GB built in storage + SDHC

    Different Sensors…Droid has a 3 axis compared to 1 axis, Droid has magnetometer and proximity sensor

    Different Camera…Droid looks to have better camera software?

    Check out the Droid specs also from MotoDev:


  3. @Jef:

    I would agree. This looks to me more like a bad iPhone copy than a Droid. I would expect better from Moto, unless this is meant for a entry-level/bargain basement smartphone.

  4. @swehes:
    red thing is one of typical chinese things, flag’s back color is red, ppl believe red is “hot”, “on fire”, so…

  5. May be a “bad iPhone copy” or not, but one thing they got right that Apple didn’t is Wi-Fi. iPhone got tepid sales there because of that exclusion, so if Moto gets a good response due to adopting the different security standards, code bode well for Moto revenue.

  6. The iphone has Wi-Fi. Atleast mine, and all my coworkes do. (Before I switched to droid)

    They have 3g’s and 3gs’s and I had a 2G.

  7. Sounds like the lack of wi-fi is more the government’s fault than anything. China sucks, but hey, i’m not saying i could run a country of over a billion people.

  8. OPhone with Mobile China can compete to iPhone tegether with China Communication Unicom?

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