Motorola Droid Rooted!

Sooner or later it was bound to happen. The hottest Android handset on the planet had to have the hottest legion of Android developers following its every move, prying and prodding at its inner core until they could do what oh so many people hoped – root tha dang thing!

Here are the instructions as seen on AllDroid but remember – I’m not suggesting you download anything or try anything and if you do, you assume all the risks yourself:

md5sum of the boot partition:
3e49d99b320cf5c20bedf09343c1155c /dev/mtd/mtd2

Download the zip file (see downloads in posts below)
Rename to “” and copy to the sdcard

Power off the DROID and power back on while holding the X key
When you see a “/!\” symbol, press both vol+ and camera
Use the onscreen menu to install

Once installed you will be able to run “su” from your adb shell.

URL: … (Down now?)
URL2: … -root.html (thanks, blunden)
URL3: (thanks, blunden)

Phandroid friend Evan Charlton let us know that Zinx should get credit for finding the exploit and [mbm] helped test the goods – as far as who found the exploit to make it possible, whoever did it isn’t taking credit.

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