Apple Rejects iDroid Application

idroidThis is rather hilarious. The makers of  iPhone applications like Beer Pong and Spin The Bottle (Swavv) have added another title to their collection – iDroid. Unfortunately it will sit in their collection and ONLY their collection as Apple rejected it from the App Store.

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It isn’t surprising considering that the only thing the application does is display the glowing red Droid eye that, when you tap it, displays a list of selling points that prove its better than the iPhone itself. Essentially it is an advertisement for an opposing piece of hardware.

But what harm would it have done to accept iDroid? People using it already own the iPhone and chances are they already know about the Motorola Droid. The only thing this does is provide an example of why Android Market’s open nature is better than the App Store where you can only have what Apple wants you to have.

Thanks Apple… but I already have a mom and dad.

[Via TechCrunch]

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