Comangi WebStation Launching Mid-December (Android MID)

A company called Comangi will launch a product called WebStation in Mid December and it looks pretty slick. It is an Android-Based MID with a 7-inch screen, WVGA (800×480) resolution, glass touchscreen, Bluetooth 2.0, GPS, MicroSD, 2MP front facing camera, .3MP webcam and runs Android 1.5.


Currently the company only has a sign-up form on their site that promises some sort of coupon if you enter your information by November 26th. I did just that and got an Email back that looks like this:

Hi Rob,

Thanks for being one of the early follower of Camangi WebStation!

Your coupon series number is xxxxx. We will update the latest information with you when Camangi WebStation is available and you can use this coupon number to get the Early Bird Price until then. Besides, to fulfill your needs, we’re also planning to introduce Camangi Market as an Android apps sharing platform specific to 5 to 9-inch screen size to enrich user experience of WebStation. Please wait expectantly for WebStation in the coming soon future.

It’s our pleasure having you in.

All the best,
Camangi WebStation Team

The company has also launched Comangi Market Beta (as explained in above email) which they say will be an Android Market of sorts for 5 to 9-inch MIDs and other Android devices:


Archos has done the same thing for their Android Internet Media Tablet and it was… easier said than done. It will be interesting to see how Comangi fares.

I’m actually kind of excited by this device, especially because of the disclaimer shown at the bottom of the website. Although we’re used to products like these being mostly available in Asia and Europe first, check this out:

Note: Currently this program is selling and delivering in Continental US area only. If you are not resident in US, please let us know.

Here is a video of the Comangi WebStation in action from late September.

I’m guessing this is just a prototype so it should only get better. Not bad. Not bad at all… I want to review this for sure.

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