ADC2 User Voting Concludes

adc2-closedWe’ve just received word from trusted member Dkaufman1 that user voting for Android Developers Challenge 2 (ADC2) has officially come to an end. The winners haven’t been announced and don’t forget that the finals are not only determined by users who rate the applications, but also by a selected panel of Google Android judges. I’m assuming it will take some time before results are tabulated and the winners are officially decided/posted.

Whereas the original ADC was a HUGE hit this is largely because it occurred before any Android Phone – and therefore any other Android Applications – were publicly available. As folks awaited the arrival of the first Android Phone, Android Developers Challenge 1 applications and news are what satisfied many people’s hunger during Android’s pregnancy period. Wow, that didn’t sound right.

ADC2 has suffered in terms of buzz/attention, overshadowed by device rumors and launches. We started an ADC2 Forum on AndroidForums – which now has 30,000+ members – but it has received little attention. People care about what application they can get on their phone NOW and it seems they would rather hear about what’s worthy or upcoming from trusted sources rather than having to test a never-ending sea of stuff. Afterall, there are too many applications on the market to test them all right now!

If you’ve got the ADC2 application on your phone, fire it up and let us know what you’re seeing.

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