OTA for Sprint Hero Users

sprint_hero_3What’s that in the sky? Is it a plane, a star, a superhero at night? Well it could be considered a battery savior.
Today Sprint released an OTA for Hero users. The update is supposed to fix various issues, including the SMS battery drain.

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I guess this might answer the question of whether or not Sprint would “stress” their 3G/4G network to update Android based phones.
Hopefully the next update will be 2.0 as this OTA only addressed a few known bugs but the Android version remains the same.
Below are various shots of the update provided by a Phandroid writer himself – Feech.
Here is the first step to a promised land.

The firmware comes in at 3748377 bytes, which shouldn’t stress Sprint’s Now network too severely.

The firmware is labeled 1.56.651.2. Based on the warning do not blame Sprint if you’re about to die or waiting for a job call while updating is occurring.

Ooh-la-la! I always get kind of giddy when I see this icon on any product, well except on Apple products. They usually update to take features out.

We hope your update has gone down smoothly and without headaches. Let us know if you have seen other fixes due to this firmware update.

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