
RhoHub Now Supports Android 2.0


RhoHubRhomobile announced today via a press release that their “development as a service” – RhoHub – is now compatible with Android OS 2.0.

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What is RhoHub?
RhoHub allows developers of all levels to utilize their HTML and Ruby skills to create robust native applications for Android smartphones. RhoHub reduces development costs by up to five times by enabling smartphone and web developers to code native smartphone applications in HTML and Ruby on a hosted service. RhoHub allows developers to collaborate on building native smartphone apps from any location and allows for the creation of robust mobile applications that take full advantage of smartphone capabilities such as GPS, PIM data and camera.

What are the Features of RhoHub?
– Supports iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian and Android
– Allows developers to write apps in HTML and simultaneously build for all smartphones
– Makes developers five times more productive for even a single smartphone OS
– Generate user interfaces and sync source adapters from a high level object description
– Rich web color syntax editor for HTML templates and Ruby code
– Automated build for all major domestic smartphones
– Collaborate with other users by sharing projects
– Hosting of synchronization server for backend app integration and availability of offline data

For developers looking to build applications across many platforms, this could be a HUGE time saver. If the applications are more complex and have various features that might not be shared across platforms, well, we’re kind of wondering how that will pan out. Any developers care to share their insight?

[RhoHub Website]

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  1. Ha! Take that WebOS!

  2. I hope this does not stip out Android fetures over other OS’s. Or make it slower to run then more popular OS’s. However I think its grate to have a standardized vertual run enviro like what java does. However I think Andriod supports advanced java anyway???

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