Motorola Making Mad Loot: 600,000 Droids in 2009

motorola-android-salesOnly a few months ago, the best way to describe Motorola’s mobile-market health was “handset division woes” – seriously… just google it. But with the launch of the Motorola Droid the company – at least on the surface – seems to be flourishing. Om Malik from GigaOM just published word from Mark McKechnie of Broadpoint AmTech suggesting Motorola will have sold 600,000 Motorola Droids by the end of this year.

Motorola also has the CLIQ, their first Android phone which launched on T-Mobile, and that doesn’t seem to be doing too bad either. Combine CLIQ/Dexter sales on T-Mobile, Orange, Telefonica and American Movil (400,000) with those Droid numbers and Motorola will have pushed over a million Android Phones this year alone – with most of them coming in a 2-month period.

Next year is looking even rosier – the same company estimates 10 MILLION Motorola Android Phones will be sold in 2010 and with an average price of $286 – we’re talking about 2.86 billion in sales of Motorola Android Phones alone. Wow… just, wow. Of course these are all estimated guesses guesstimates by industry analysts but still, you’ve got to be impressed. I am kind of curious as to whether those Droid stats include the Motoroa MILESTONE, the European version of the Droid that just launched on O2 Germany. But either way… itDoesn’t really matter, the numbers are pretty darn staggering.

For some reason I highly doubt Motorola is very eager to sell their handset division at this particular moment in time.

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