T-Mobile + Sholes = <3 ...?

Normally we don’t like to post news that we’re a little behind the power curve on – but this one seems worthy of a mention. Now we’re not saying this is anything more than a rumor but hey, we like to bring hope to the masses. So all you T-Mobile subscribers who’ve been droppin’ tears over the fact that the Droid – err.. Sholes.. – is on VZW, have a look-see at this.

The guys over at TmoNews have been tipped to what could be great news. A bit more to read and a larger image is available over there, but for now – here’s a quick preview image and quote:

“A trusted ninja dropped this off in our inbox earlier today and we’ve been trying to get a handle on what we are seeing. Apparently, it’s from an internal portion of the MotoBlur website available to reps only.”

[Via TmoNews] [Thanks, Shivers!]

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