Good Morning Phandroidians!

This morning’s Android news coverage will be brought to you by the letter Talton (…wait, what?) so that our buddy Rob can continue the grind toward the holy grail of holy grails – the Phandroid Motorola Droid Review!

(No pressure buddy)

Now, I don’t fancy myself a writer (see Exhibit A)

Exhibit A:

..but that doesn’t mean I won’t do my best to ensure that this morning’s Android news will be presented to you in as timely a fashion as possible. I will at the very least notify you of the happenings around the interwebs all while presenting you with some of the cost-free down-right-awesome charisma and humble charm that yours truly has been blessed with. Lucky you!

So stay tuned while I crank out a couple articles that are with any luck Phandroid worthy, and check back throughout the day to find out just how well I can (or can’t?) balance work with.. work!

P.S. Sorry about the downtime this morning everyone. That was completely out of our realm of control.

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