Hey Phandroid, Where Ya Been?

The day I got the Motorola Droid I promised loads and loads of videos, reviews, input, infos and lots more over the coming days. You’ve waited with bated breath in hopes we would dump an unfathomable content load on your doorstep. I’ve posted some… but I’ve been getting comments, emails and communication on every medium asking – where are all the goods you promised? Allow me to explain:

I don’t want to provide the first review. I want to provide the BEST review and the most THOROUGH review which can only be done by exploring the ins-and-outs of the DROID and Android 2.0 for an extended period of time. And then of course writing and compiling all the goods into an enjoyable article. You’ll have your review on Monday or Tuesday.

It’s tough to balance the work load needed to do a FULL review while simultaneously pleasing the masses with the Android news overflow that continues to grow on a daily basis. While we’ve made an effort to recruit some Phandroid writers – and even narrowed down our selection – we have yet to put these people at their posts. I’ll be finalizing things this weekend and hopefully next week you’ll start to see articles from new writers mixed in with my own.

My inability to “keep up” is awesome – it is due to the intense growth of interest in Android. You rely on Phandroid and AndroidForums and let me tell you: things are only going to get better. Following a Motorola Droid Review of epic proportions, you’ll be getting more consistent Android coverage on daily news/rumor topics, applications, editorials, developer interviews and much, much more.

Apologies I can’t respond to each of you individually… I just want to let you guys know that I’m on top of it. We’ve already got an awesome team of people on Android Forums (Thanks Talton, Dave, Anthony, Jim and all the new mods!) and Phandroid will soon get an injection of fresh faces as well. If things are a bit slow this weekend… apologies… but get your rest because you’re going to need a lot of energy to keep up with the level of awesomeness to which Phandroid is about to rise!

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