
Motorola Calgary Pictures: Verizon Android Phone #2


Remember the Motorola Calgary which we first told you about in April? It’s back and this time it came with pictures courtesy of BGR:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal




Looks like the Motorola Calgary is an affordable version of the Motorola Droid with MOTO BLUR tacked on. Here is what we’ve got in terms of rumored specs:

  • Touch-sensitive Android keys (Menu/Home/Back
  • Optical joystick (performs well)
  • Full QWERTY keyboard
  • 3 megapixel camera
  • 3.5mm headset jack
  • GPS
  • digital magnetometer
  • Wi-Fi
  • microSD slot
  • spring-assisted slider.

Verizon Wireless Android fans your dreams are about to come true. If you’ve been drooling at the Droid but are wondering how the heck you’ll afford it… this is how. You’ll buy the Motorola Calgary instead. I can genuinely say WOW… I’m so crazily excited for Android this holiday season. Hopefully the Calgary will be out in time.

[Thanks Phases, Carl and everyone else who sent this in!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I would hate to settle for this phone if the Droid is too expensive. Hopefully it’s not so my wife can enjoy the Calgary for herself while I beast around with my Droid.

  2. This actually looks better than the droid. The keyboard is still rather dull though

  3. I hope it’s not the final design.
    I like more metal look and feel on a phone.

    bye :D

  4. It looks rather plastic. I’d also rather not wait another month or more for a damn Android on VZW =P

  5. This phone is disgusting. People thought the G1 looked bad?? I think I’ve seen the insides of things that have been dead for a long time, and they’ve looked more likely to be held by me, much less be my smartphone!! I am thinking of running over to the RedV for the Droid, but not for like $400 or anything. This is..

    This is a phone-abortion. That’s what this is.

  6. Bring it on, quickly.

  7. i like the form factor of this phone! nice work MOTO!

  8. por que is the battery icon backwards?

  9. I’m not impressed.

    I’ve been drooling over the droid just like everyone else for months now, and that’s DESPITE the fact that it’s a motorola phone and I’ve never had good luck with their stuff.

    But this? This one looks cheap, especially by comparison.

    If I had to go with a motorola phone, I’d choose the droid or even the cliq over this one.

  10. FUGLY!!!

    sorry if this steps on some people’s toes, but…

    1.) japanese cars vs american cars = japanese design wins (remember, imho of course)
    2.) Taiwanese phones vs american phones (besides iphone since that is the jesus phone) = Taiwan wins

    bezel so thick.. why? yuck.

  11. The BGR article doesn’t say this will be Verizon’s second Android phone, just that it’s the second Verizon+Motorola Android phone.

  12. Wow that design phone look bad….

    It looks like a generic corporate business phone or a phone Agent Smith from the maxtrix would use.

    Cliq looks great and I really like the Droid design, but moto what happen here?

  13. This phone looks awesome. Take away the ugly white logos, and everything about it is perfect. If this has a fact processor…I may skip the droid for this. Thin is better.

  14. @Jeff: What happened? Maybe someone likes the Agent Smith design?
    I don’t think it’s so bad. I’d still choose the Cliq or Droid if I had to.

  15. ugly as it may be, it does have a dedicated row for numbers whereas the droid does not.

  16. any idea about the screen size ?

  17. Bring back the metal keyboard

  18. Not attractive. Anyone know how much the Droid will sell for with contract?

  19. Don’t like the split row of letters at the bottom to make room for a space bar. I also don’t like not having a dedicated row for the numbers. I want a 5-row keyboard like the G1! Neither the Droid nor this guy has that.

  20. Since it is on Verizon, and all their Android phones are Droids, will this be the Droid Devour???

  21. All these people that say they don’t like this phone are being spoiled i bet that someone that has never had a phone would love this phone. first of all it doesn’t matter what it looks like it is just what the phone can do like its megapixels and such. Or it is even just the joy of even getting a phone. So I am not going to be a little crybaby about a stupid phone. I mean are u people really writing this stuff. the people that didn’t make a insult are probably less spoiled than the people who did insult it.

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