According To Idiots, Google Phone Is Coming

Oh geez. Back in the year 1923 when Google first announced the Android Operating System pretty much everyone was confused with what it would BE, what it would MEAN and how it would be implemented and come to market. They hype conjured up a product called the “gPhone” which would be manufactured and marketed as a Google product to compete with the iPhone. Google has denied all those rumors but here they come roaring back.

From an article at published today:

In what is likely to be seen as disruptive to the wireless status quo, Google is working with a smartphone manufacturer to have a Google-branded phone available this year through retailers and not through telcos, according to Northeast Securities analyst Ashok Kumar, who has talked to Google’s design partners about the plan.

I don’t believe it. The article mentions how “Chrome Netbooks” are being made suggesting it is proof that Google doesn’t have a problem making their own branded Android Phone. As far as I know, GOOGLE ISN’T MAKING A CHROME NETBOOK EITHER! They are making the operating system – Chrome OS – and in some cases allowing manufacturers to provide the “With Google” logo. But Kumar isn’t left in the cold as the only idiot on analyst row, he is wearing a Cote:

“It’s a bit of a departure from Google’s strategy, but I think the speculation is valid,” says Michael Cote of the Cote Collaborative. And as for getting the phone to the market quickly, Google “would probably use a partner they are familiar with.”

I’m not sure if these “analysts” have their facts wrong, are just plain stupid, or something more sinister is going on as expressed in the comments of that article:

Comment by ejcric:

Scott Moritz was the one who put out a false rumor about Motorola announcing the Android phone for Verizon “Next Week” on 9/30. And I did a search on “Northeast Securities analyst Ashok Kumar”. Kumar had a note to investors last week telling them that iPhone sales were terrible in China. Now that both Scott and Kumar are proven wrong. Do you still want to believe their Exclusive? The SEC should investigate this Exclusives from the so called analysts?

Some one has shorted Apple or Motorola stocks and just wants to put out false rumors so they can cover their shorts. TheStreet put out a false rumor on 9/30 that Motorola will announce the second Android phone for Verizon “Next Week”. Well that’s three weeks after “Next Week” but Moto still has not formally make the announcement. Cramer was telling people that Apple stocks will drop after the earnings last week. He must realizes that he made the mistake and badly needs help covering his short positions. You are screwed if you believe in this “Exclusive” from TheStreet.

Comment by OhhJohnny:

Exclusive: TheStreet and Scott Moritz are clowns who run link-baiting stories without any real substance behind it. At least this one names the source, unlike the ridiculous Verizon ditching Pre story that was also an “exclusive.” I can have all the exclusives I want if I just report bullplop.

But the article says that Kumar has talked to Original Design Manufacturers who have worked directly with Google. So could Kumar be right and I’m wrong? Sure… and I also might cook my shoe in the microwave and eat it for supper.

I’m not saying a “gPhone” will never hit the market… I’m saying that it definitely won’t happen this holiday season, probably won’t happen any time soon and I’m guessing won’t happen in the forseeable future if ever.

What COULD I see? Google assisting a company like HTC to make a world phone that works on any carrier –  like the Android Dev Phone 1 – and working with them to get it in the hands of regular retailers at an affordable price, allowing them to use Google’s name in the marketing. That’s about it. And yeah that would be really cool but… are these “The Street” people just hearing what they want and running away to write an article before they hear the truth? Something worse?

Maybe they’ve confused the “Droid” with an actual Android Phone as AndroidGuys suggest but the article seems MUCH to deliberate and pointed to have made this confusion accidentally without fact checking and verifying the truth. If you’re wondering why I included the picture of the toilet… you can flush these rumors until we tell you otherwise.

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