Motorola DEXT aka CLIQ: Pictures and First Impressions

It may be called the CLIQ here, but over in Russia where Mobile-Review does its thing, its called the DEXT. No matter though, because the hardware and software are exactly the same, so Mobile-Review’s extraordinarily thorough pictures give us a pretty good idea of what to expect.

So, what do they have to say about it?

Mostly good, which means nice build, good screen, good design, nice slide mechanism and decent keyboard.  However, there are some interesting points made in regards to the overall hardware:

The battery cover slides down effortlessly, it’s made out of plastic and doesn’t look particularly durable. Noticed the pattern? Pretty offbeat, if you ask me. By and large, the DEXT’s design isn’t what are used to see from Motorola – too much color, for one, and then a variety of materials, such as white glossy inserts.

In other words, it doesn’t really feel like a Motorola. Those of you who remember the days of the RAZR no what this guy means. Even though Moto’s UI sucked big time, its hardware was hard to beat, with nice textures, solid feel and beautiful materials. Just take a look at the Aura for proof of what Motorola can do with hardware.

However, even if the hardware is a little disappointing, you can’t really fault Moto for this decision. The CLIQ is, afterall, obviously aimed at the youth market. That’s the market that cares more about the keyboard and touch-screen than how much metal is used or how glossy and cheap the plastic is. In addition, cheaping out a little on the hardware means this can be marketed at a truly accessible price point for the target consumer, and with the power of Android on its side, it could do something very good for Moto.

Click the link below to see all of the pictures and full write-up.


[Via Mobile-Review]

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