Phandroid Newsletter – WIN A CLIQ

Do you love Android? Then sign up to the Phandroid VIP Newsletter in the top right sidebar! It’s hard to keep up with the news – heck, I run and have trouble staying in the loop with all the Android developments. So every Monday we’ll send you a summary of the previous week’s important happenings… a round-up of sorts. We’ll also overview changes to the Announced/Upcoming/Rumored Android Phones and suggest new applications launched the previous week you may want to check out.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Then there is the VIP stuff. On October 18th we’ll randomly select one member who will win a Motorola CLIQ! Actually, to make it easy, we’ll just PayPal you $199 but it’s the thought that counts, right? What should REALLY interest you is what the newsletter will include on weekly basis. Some of the opportunities you’ll have as a Phandroid VIP Newsletter Club Member:

I think this will be a GREAT opportunity to keep a lot of you folks to stay informed who don’t have the time to read EVERY article EVERY single week. We’ll just drop it in your inbox and you’re all good – plus hooked up with extra goodies along the way.

Thanks for reading, hope you subscribe and we’ll talk to you soon!

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