10 Motorola Android Phones In 10 months

A few weeks ago we pointed out an article on Investopedia where an “analyst” claimed 10 Android Phones would be announced by Motorola at Mobilize 2009. That claim was obviously false as only ONE phone was announced – the Motorola CLIQ. I suppose you could say two if you included the Motorola DEXT but cmon, they’re the same phone.

Different analyst, different time frame, same rumor. This time it is Trip Chowdhry from Global Equities Research making the call, saying Motorola plans to launch at least 10 Android Phones in the next 6 to 10 months. Last time around we slightly shunned the source by assuming they meant the 10 was in regards to the Mobilize 2009 “portfolio” Motorola was slated to announced but perhaps we hastily applied his research to our burning question. Maybe he meant 10 Androids in 6 to 10 months as well?

Does it make sense? I think so. Motorola has openly admitted that Android is going to be their primary focus moving forward so producing 10 new phones in this time frame isn’t a ridiculous notion, especially when we’ve already got the CLIQ/DEXT announced, Sholes coming soon and both the Calgary and Heron in the hole. I think 10 might be a stretch but if you count that CLIQ/DEXT as 2 and assume that a couple will end up on the chopping block, you’re looking at a conservative 5-7 isn’t an impossible feat.

Apparently some people disagree. For example Stefan Constantinescu from IntoMobile basically called Trip Chowdhry a crackhead, claiming he used large amounts of cocaine and marijuana before making this statement. Maybe someone accidentally laced my Egg McMuffin with something similar because while its admittedly an optimistic reach, I don’t see it as impossible. I think 5 is more realistic but… I’m not about to call someone a drug addict over it.

Except for the first commenter on this article. They are clearly on drugs. Speed to be exact.


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