
FlyDroid: The Mobile Web While Your Phone Sleeps


A company called FlyScreen has produced an application called FlyDroid that takes your phone’s sleep/lock screen and uses it as a portal to access the mobile web with various widgets and syndicated content. Check out what I mean in this video demo from one of the company’s founders:

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You can even tweet directly from your lock screen and sharing/social features are coming soon! The app is currently in alpha but MobileCrunch has hooked up with the company to offer 1,000 free copies of the app – visit and type in your email address with the code “techcrunch” and maybe there are still  few copies left.

The app only works on phones using Android 1.5 and while its designed with HTC phones in mind it will work, albeit less smoothly, on the Samsung Galaxy. The company has posted a whole bunch of video demos showing off the various features of FlyDroid which I’ve embedded below:

Pretty awesome idea if you ask me. Simple… but awesome. It takes an otherwise completely useless screen and takes advantage of its frequent presence to do something useful, helpful, enjoyable, entertaining or whatever else you’re wanting. We’re going to give this a whirl… for those lucky enough to get one of those alpha invites, let us know how you like the app!

FlyDroid is based in Central Israel and first launched in 2008 at the TechCrunch 50 event in San Francisco.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I applied for my invite!

  2. They are essentially moving the Android desktop widgets onto the lock screen. The purpose of the lock screen is to stop accidental input into the Android desktop. Now they are allowing accidental input. Doesn’t make sense.

    Can’t wait for the next twitter from those guys which says ‘asfhdklhq353i4y543756jkhfgsdg’

  3. I agree with Boris. The point of locking the phone is to prevent accidental actions and security. Going this route a person could get hold of info from or make entries on your social networks and not even have to unlock your phone. Come on folks… It doesn’t take much to unlock the phone. This would be better as a desktop widget maybe.

  4. I wouldn’t say the lock screen is useless. It stops me from accidentally doing things to the phone when I’m not using it. Putting stuff on the lock screen to be actively used seems like a pretty silly idea.

  5. I don’t see how putting non-critical, non-secure items on your lock screen is bad. Sure, I wouldn’t want to put something sensitive or personal there, but why not put fluff there. Seems like a good idea to me.

  6. i like how all the vids are run thru emulator… yha, ofcourse its fast and fluid…. run it on a real phone then show it off..

    i agree with ya’ll the lock screens purpose is tp prevent access/input… it was cool when stericson’s lock screen alowed access to the pull down, but look how many peeps are up in arms about how that makes a vulnerability…

    dev’s – get in touch with your comuinty…. sure to alot of peeps this sounds like a cool idea for a min or two, then reality sets in… the lock screen on a touch screen shuld be just that!

  7. “You can even tweet directly from your lock screen ”

    Wow, the point of the lock screen just went right over your head.

    This looks very cool, but if they don’t make all the widgets totally safe from input (read only) it will never go anywhere.

  8. Security is the foremost issue,nothing really matters if it fails.

  9. Guys- may not have been communicated properly, but obviously they wouldn’t release an app that does away with your lock screen. I have been using it for about a week now- with no accidental clicks. It both keeps your phone locked and safe, but you can choose to engage with live content a lot faster than having to open the browser. I love it.

  10. Is this on HTC HERO ???????????

  11. Yeah, I don’t quite get it… If I wanted to use my phone, why wouldn’t I just unlock and use as normal?

  12. I agree with most people here. While this seems like a cool idea at first glance, and would probably be awesome as a desktop widget (to capture some of the Sense UI feel), it just leaves way too much out in the open. For me, Twitter and Facebook are apps that I’d rather keep private. Putting them on the lock screen leave them out for all to see, and that’s just not cool as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. Not to mention, the whole purpose of a lock screen is to keep the phone from doing the very things that FlyScreen is created to do without my permission. Good idea, bad execution.

  13. Don’t understand why anyone would want this app.

  14. “This is the Droid you were looking for” – flyscreen

  15. Why would I want to use a lock screen to lock a device to prevent accidental input? This sounds like an awesome idea from truly gifted programmers.

    Just kidding… the “gifted” programmers might need to get a clue as to what lock screen really means.

  16. Yeah I agree, if the widgets were read only, like the weather one I can see a use, but if i want to update my status on facebook..yeah I’ll just unlock my phone.

  17. Looks awesome….just move it off the lock screen.

  18. i like the idea you customize it yourself so what inormation you want on there when your phones locked only shows. I dont get what the big deal is you guys act like you HAVE to log into all the services available.

    I quite frankly dont mind seeing my twitters while the phones locked…I dont have any personal or secure messages coming through there so someone seeing a twtter wouldnt bother me. if they tried to unlock my phone they still wouldnt be able to.

    if its as fast as the video it makes posting/viewing something quick to do while at work (when i shouldnt even have my phone on anyways) and not get caught. I sent for my invite you guys are nuts lol.

  19. This is pointless. It’s worthless to the end user. Just unlock the DAMN PHONE if you want to INTERACT AND DO THINGS.

    The lock screen should present USEFUL INFORMATION quicker than unlocking ideally to someone who might be curious as to what’s been HAPPENING on their messages while the phone was tucked away in the pocket.

    MyLock for android will provide this as a default function, and keep it to view only. To INTERACT you need to unlock the keyguard.

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