Twidroid v2.5.1 Launches Free and Pro Versions, Major Revamp

twidroidYou probably already love you some Twidroid so don’t be concerned that the launch of v2.5.1 will change much given that its a “major revamp”. Most of the changes occur on the back and its for that reason that the folks who made the product are recommending you UNINSTALL your existing version of Twidroid before installing the new version.

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There is a PRO version of Twidroid that offers support for multiple accounts (merged & single view), desktop widget, video posting, list of friends/followers, color themes and cool application icon. They’ve now got a neat chart that compares the free/pro version.

Twidroid is avaliable in Android Market and costs $4.89 USD or 3.39 EUR for the kids across the pond. So for all the Twitter lovers out there who use Twidroid on their Android, let us know how you like the new Free and PRO versions!

[Thanks Quentyn!]

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