Talking MyTouch With Wired and BoingBoing

The MyTouch 3G has been out for quite awhile but hey – its the weekend, news is slow if not non-existent and  you’re craving Android. So I thought you might enjoy this short 3-minute discussion about the T-Mobile MyTouch 3G with Steven Leckart from BoingBoing and Daniel Dumas from Wired.

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I’m very protective of the T-Mobile G1’s place in the Android world and I have to say I was a bit disappointed by the way they portray it. They consider the MyTouch 3G to be the improved, upgraded version of the G1 while I simply consider it the full touchscreen, non-QWERTY version of the G1. If I were going to buy a T-Mobile phone today I would still purchase the G1.

That being said, its always nice to see Android coverage even if you disagree and so that was 3-minutes well spent.

[Via BoingBoing]

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