
White Samsung Galaxy Makes Presence Known


Its a shame that Samsung hasn’t gone on an intergalactic launching spree with their first Android phone, the Samsung Galaxy, but perhaps they’re just getting warmed up. While the black version of the Galaxy i7500 is only available in a select few European countries, we’re now seeing a white version of the same exact device:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I can hear you already, “But what does this mean for me? When will the Galaxy launch where I live on MY carrier?” And THAT is a question I cannot answer. It seems the White Galaxy will launch on O2 Germany and then move to other European carriers… still with no US launch imminent or otherwise.

[Via TheUnwired]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Yes. I own the Galaxy, I can tell you you are not missing so much. But still it´s a quite good phone. The photo-button is like squeaking a little bit and the battery lives for max. one day. And it´s not the fastest processing phone i´ve seen so far.

    But to your post. I think that Samsung is just testing for marketing oriented purposes. For this they take a few little countries they choose. They might be working on some other devices and bring one more interesting for the whole world.

  2. Do not mourn for galaxy not being in your country… According to the rewievs of people, who has it, it`s no good. It overheats, it can barely hold one application running and the battery is after six hours dead…

  3. actually: not true

    after the update and “training” the battery – it holds for about 2-3 days under normal use.

    this is the first time i heard about overheating – and i live in germany – where there are actual i7500s out on the street.

    applications crashing – after the update – more of a android-problem is it not?

    the only issue: the AMOLED screen has a slightly noticeable update-frequency in low brightness.

  4. hmm 2 against 1

    so who do i beleive?

  5. 2:2
    It’s true what dash says. The phone works fine.

  6. It’s a gr8 phone, i’m browsing n listening music on it now(sounds gr8 with dedicated dsp)

    Battery works more than fine after i discovered that the problem was related to the tight case which comes with the phone, maybe keeps the camera button pressed and also no more heating ;)

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