
Samsung Galaxy Software Update


samsung-galaxy-updateConsidering the specs of the Samsung Galaxy and given Samsung is one of the top mobile manufacturers in the world, it is kind of surprising we haven’t heard more about their first Android Phone. This is probably due to the circles we travel, noting the lack of availability in English speaking lands, but Italian blog HDblog.it is reporting the Samsung Galaxy has a software update available.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Oddly enough, the English translation of the original article indicates Samsung hasn’t yet announced the update but they link to the download file saying it should be updated via PC Studio 7 using Windows XP. No word on what the update includes but we’ll keep you posted.

If you’ve got the Samsung Galaxy and give the update a whirl, we look forward to hearing your insight in the comments!

[Thanks iNicc0lo!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Is Galaxy coming over here in US ?

  2. I installed the update earlier today with no visible changes. It’s supposed to be a bugfix release and improve performance and battery life.

  3. Sherpa is in the Android Market now.

  4. I was originally gunning for the i7500 over the Hero because of its superior hardware specs, but with all the mysterious lack of information about this phone and delayed release dates, I’m starting to think maybe the Hero is a better idea.

    Also, maybe the Hero will be better supported by the XDA community????

    I’m based in China, so I’ll probably be using a company like expansys to get whichever phone.

    Any thoughts?

  5. Knowing Samsung, its probably some minor bugfixes.

  6. Your Galaxy data sheet came up empty for me.

    Try this one:


  7. its good that they are updating the galaxy

  8. has anyone heard anything re: when this thing will be available in north america? i understand that it can take some time to roll out a new product in different markets, but i’m baffled by the silence from samsung about a potential release date.

  9. when the heck is it coming to america

  10. I can’t wait for this phone to come to the US on T-Mobile.

    We just got the mytouch 3g (HTC Magic) but I’m wiating it out for this phone.

    Btw, I used to think this phone only had 128mb of RAM, in reality it has 192mb of RAM.

    Just some FYI.

  11. We have it available in Croatia through Tele2 operator:
    I saw it in the store the other day.

    Hero should also be available soon through VIPnet operator.

  12. I’m so over this phone..

  13. I’ve seen this in-store at an o2 shop in London (Kilburn High Road). You can’t find it on their website, so I called O2 and apparently it won’t be available online (they didn’t say why), and the only way to get it is off the shelf in-store. That makes no sense to me at all! Why wouldn’t they announce it, and make it available online?

    Pricing info I got off the guy in the store:
    -It’s free on the o2 “1200” plan (£45 p/month)
    -It costs £146 on the £30 plan
    -It costs £97 on the £35 plan
    -You cannot buy it outright, use PAYG or a simplicity SIM

    On the £35 plan you get a free bolt-on, which you could choose to be “free internet” if you want. Otherwise it’s £7.50 for any bolt-on after that.
    These are 18-month plans, didn’t look at the 24 month plans.

  14. My samsung galaxy is not recognized by samsung pc studio. Only the drives can be mounted but any operation implying direct communication between PC and phone do not work.
    Is anybody experiencing similar problem ?

  15. I have the same problem, my galaxy is not recognized by samsung software came with it, is there any fix available? are there any GAMES & SOFTWARE available to install on it?

  16. By default the Samsung is set to mass storage only and you won’t be able to use the PC Studio for sync/backup. You need to follow this instruction.

    Disable Settings -> About phone -> Additional settings -> Mass storage only. Otherwise NPS will not detect any phone at all.

  17. User1, Could you explain further as to your comment re mass storage only. I followed your advice yet cannot access the phone to put music on, take photos off etc. Any help gratefully received.



  18. are there any app that can lock the internet or a key code for lock the internet? i dont wont that my childeren look the internet
    thenks symusic

  19. user1: Thanks – very helpful! I’d been trying to figure that out for the last half hour!

  20. is there any way to improve the battery performance

  21. How do I update my Samsung Galaxy Spica to android 2.2 ?

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