
HTC Click – Sponsored by Adam Sandler?


Just received a tip from, what I assume to be, one of the writers from PointGPhone, regarding a few pictures of HTC’s next Android based phone. Just an initial review leads one to speculate that this will be HTC’s first entry into the entry-level-Android-Market. Take a look at the pictures, and draw your own conclusions:
It could be the half-assed water mark, but at this point I’ll just have to throw this in the “rumor” pile. I’m not 100% about what to make with the buttons; and the d-pad is an interesting twist. While this is, by no means, a 3D picture, it looks a little too slim to host a physical keyboard. Doesn’t like to be a phone that’s going to break the mold, but let’s hold off on any doubt until we see some hardware specs.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

[via PointGPhone]

Tyler Miller

Sony Ericsson Xperia X3 Android With Specs & Pics!

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  1. Looks like some fancy photoshop work to me…and an ugly phone to boot!

  2. I’ve seen and tried out this phone. Yes, it’s HTC CLick but some people at HTC Vietnam told me it will be called HTC Tatoo. The Cover of this phone can be changed easily like Express-On of Nokia long ago. The screen size is 240×400. The phone works fast, real fast.

    And one more thing, HTC Sense will be on all HTC Android phone, including this one (?)(I doubt), except HTC Dream.

  3. I’ve seen and tried out this phone. Yes, it’s HTC CLick but some people at HTC Vietnam told me it will be called HTC Tatoo. The Cover of this phone can be changed easily like Express-On of Nokia long ago. The screen size is 240×400. The phone works fast, real fast.

    And one more thing, HTC Sense will be on all HTC Android phone, including this one (?)(I doubt), except HTC Dream.

    Clearer pix for you guys, here:

  4. My cousin works for HTC. The phone is thin with no keyboard yet. They are adding one next week. It looks sick though. My other cousin works for samsung. He is one of the developers for the Bigfoot. It is very nice and very responsive. Don’t reccomend this one, but I reccomend the Bigfoot. At least to my info. Hope this helped.

  5. With regards to entry level phones – I just signed up for a 6 month contract with 3 Mobile in the UK (partly because there isn’t an android phone that I really want yet, and I thought the options will be more enticing in 6 months).

    The phone I got is the “INQ1” which I’d never even heard of, but which I took just because it was free on a six month contract for £15 per month (basically the cheapest deal possible) and it appeared to have some intriguing features.

    This phone has changed my expectations of an entry level device permanently! It supports push email, free skype calls (which work over GSM using 3’s network), facebook is integrated into your addressbook (along with your skype and windows live contacts). It supports tethering with no bulky “PC Suite” software necessary – just plug it into any PC and you are online in minutes, 3MP camera, MP3 player, Micro SD…etc.

    …and here’s my point. The real potential of Android is in this market – the reason the INQ1 blew me away is that my expectations of an entry level phone are that of a Nokia 2600. Smart phones are great for us geeks who are not only happy, but desperate to drop tons of money for a shiny gadgets that let us reboot our webserver remotely, or the high powered business executives who feel they must reply to emails during family vacations….but the real future HAS to be the mass market. This ugly ass phone excites me more than the HTC Hero did.

  6. Dear sir, what about the praise. pl. tell me. thanks.

  7. I’m looking forward to a cheap android phone like this with a prepaid plan + free wi-fi + all the Android goodness.

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