
HTC Hero Through FCC, AT&T Bound?


htc-hero-fccThe company line on the HTC Hero has been Europe in July, Asia later this summer and North America before the year ends. That last part crushed the spirits of many Americans and Canadians craving the latest and greatest Android. Fortunately for us the FCC has come through with  July 4th holiday weekend spirit by giving Americans a little something to chew on:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

FCC documents show approval for WCDMA 850/1900 MHz which – guess what? – would point to an AT&T bound HTC Hero! Earlier rumors have been focused on the Hero coming to Sprint but maybe, just maybe, the phone will truly save the day by coming to multiple carriers.

I know there are a lot of you saying the sooner the better and we couldn’t agree more. AT&T, Verizon and Sprint need to get their Android on ASAP!

UPDATE: The confidentiality agreement requests confidentiality agreement for 180 days starting May 29th which suggests this HTC Hero flavor wouldn’t launch until the very end of 2009 at best.

[FCC via EngadgetMobile]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Fuk sprint and especially at&t…. This sholud be t-mobile usa EXCLUSIVE…..its not running on a wcdma it running on gsm 850/900/1800/1900 alot of source say that. So check your specs.

  2. Please oh please let it come to AT&T!!!!

  3. theres was ALOT of sources say that it runs on a GSM band. THIS IS BOUND TO BE A T-MOBILE EXCLUSIVE, NOT FOR AT&T NOR SPRINT.
    AT&T= IPHONE 3GS (they sooo lucky that apple made a new contract with at&t)

    SPRINT= PALM PRE ( supposably the IPHONE KILLER)

    t-mobile= g1 (YES, it’s lower-case cuase this phone is a lower class than the others)

    i forgot about the BLACKERRY BOLD ( it didn’t live up to the hype,SORRY)

  4. @K I agree with you, at&t already has an iphone, sprint has palm pre, tmo should have better version of what is comming out (MyTouch 3G) because it took so long and should also sell it to make up for the gay name

  5. While we can all appreciate the drawbacks of every provider (try leaving the city on Tmo and getting 3g … or any data at all) I’d just rather see android on every provider everywhere. Makes for a snowball effect for support and development.

  6. Isn’t AT&T using GSM so they could adopt an Android phone really easy. The HTC Hero like many HTC phones are made for both GSM and WCDMA, according to the specs. My vote would be a Verizon Android phone.

  7. this phone will NOT be coming to T-Mobile USA unless it is branded with Google. And if that happens, say goodbye to the HTC Sense UI. So peeps, you DO NOT want this phone on T-Mo!

  8. sorry ppl Sprints already confirmed there testing the phone for a november/december release date….the GSM version is only in europe…..ATT and VZW cant have everything !!!!

  9. One thing for sure, it will not be bound for Tmobile USA, could be for the UK, but not USA. Heres why, the 3G HSDPA bands are on 850mhz and 1900mhz, tmobile USA operate of 1700MHZ, so no 3G love there. Tmobile is horrible anyway, i would love for this to come to a GSM carrier in the states, my preference would be AT&T, and Rogers in Canada, if a CDMA verision comes up, could be sprint or Verizon. One thing for sure, not Tmobile USA, wrong frequenicies, the EDGE, GSM band will work

  10. hmm, interesting point about at&t having iphone, sprint=pre, etc. but, lets face it, this isn’t elementary school where these companies need to share and each have a turn with a hot phone…this is a competitive market. i’m quite sure sprint is testing and i’m quite sure at&t is looking into it. i think at&t is just as likely to get it as is sprint. not sure about tmo because the phone isn’t google brand and verizon probably wont get it because they leave too big of a foot print on all their devices. really, can you picture a vcast application on the htc hero? probably not.

  11. ” Asia later this summer ”
    is this confirmed? is Singapore included in the summer launch? i was thinking to buy it during my next trip to London. but now maybe just slack and wait

  12. So tired of these “in 6 months” release dates (maybe). ATT is buying up the new phones off Iphone profits to shut out Sprint and Verizon. Take up the good phones and people will jump to your network. Apple does get it right–don’t promise a “maybe phone” in 6 months, it’s 6 weeks max and the phone is released. HTC has blown it on the Touch Pro 2…so much lost momentum…they’ll do it again with the Magic. Something better will show up between now and then.

  13. I was very excited when I heard of the release of the Hero, but AT&T just sucks… there is no way I will buy this phone if they’re the network. I have yet to meet an AT&T subscriber who doesn’t complain of poor call quality and frequent dropped calls.

    Bring this out for Verizon or Sprint and I’m in. I really hope this news is wrong and Sprint is still on track for an October release in the States.

  14. Why does AT&T want or need the Hero? Could it be that maybe the Hero with *****FLASH***** might make their pet pick become nothing more than nostalgia?

  15. Oh, by the way, I am so glad many people seem to know everything about which brand, network, blah, blah, especially from rumors. Funny when anyone says “will” “will not” “exclusive” and so on, when nobody knows. People are getting stirred over rumors started by some 14 year old computer geek sitting in his underwear eating cheetos.

  16. @Eric – there were NOT cheetos… they were cool ranch doritos – GET IT RIGHT! lol jk :)

  17. Any word on the lancaster? There is never any news about it’s release. Is at&t release still set for august 3rd?

  18. Already been announced to be available in UK for T-Mobile, even titled “G1 touch” (bad name, i know) which seems to suggest availability for T-Mobile over other american carriers.

    Personally, i think HTC should make a Sense update available to other androids, such as G1 and most importantly galaxy- having sense on a galaxy would make it easily the best bet to knock the iphone down a peg.

  19. Tmobile runs on 1700mhz and 2100mhz…..according to htc.com the new hero runs on 900/2100 mhz hspa ….so I’m thinking it’s coming to Tmo USA……

  20. T-mo just announced that they have no interest in taking on the hero. You dont have to take my word for it, its all over the internet, T-mo announced it yesterday

  21. First off, at&t does not have dropped calls. Further more,
    The Hero would be wonderful for At&t, because they don’t cripple phones like verizon. Yes big red has the storm, sprint has the Pre, and AT&T has the Iphone. Who has the most exclusivity of phones. Big Red does with Lg. Also, when I travel south; I have dropped calls with Verizon. When I had att, it didn’t happen, snd I live in the midwest in Indianapolis. So, AT&T would be a good choice given its fast 3g and being the 2nd largest us carrier. Take notation, AT&T is updating their towers to the european 3g standard which is very high.

  22. brynn, where did you get this info. I’m on Sprint and would love to get this phone.

  23. It was never confirmed like brynn said. It was just a rumor.

  24. HTC HERO should be announced as T-Mobiles G2 in america…Just naming it that would make them fly off the shelve and probably shut down the Iphone 3GS (All they did was add a compass and some features the G1 had already… HTC HERO looks amazing and needs to come home to the USA ASAP…..

  25. TMo USA is not gonna happen guys. Look at the website specs. The Hero runs a WCDMA of 900/2100mhz; with a quadband of 850/900/1800/1900mhz. TMo USA 3G networks uses a WCDMA IV 1700mhz uplink – 2100mhz downlink. Without that 1700mhz uplink ability, the phone can run on TMo network, just not the 3G (think unlocked iPhones running on edge). Kind of pointless to bring in a 3G phone in a market where it’s full capabilities won’t work. Too bad; my TMo contract goes up January and I’ve done about all I can do to my poor 3G iPhone. I really want to play around with the Android based sense UI.

  26. The hero will be available with the required bands for 3G use on AT&T. I believe that Rogers will get the handset first since they were oh so eager to jump on the Dream and the Magic. Pony up the $$$ to buy it from some unlocked Canuck site if you really think its worth it.

    Now for retard smashing…
    @K I don’t know where to start… All GSM carriers at this point support at least triband GSM, AT&T included. WCDMA is GSM 3G Technology, often referred to as UMTS or HSDPA since it is less easily confused, like you did, with regular CDMA. The t-mob has the unicorn 1700mhz spectrum which is harder to find than a date for you on saturday night. If the Hero were to come to T-mobile it would be another beautiful waste such as the myTouch aka HTC Magic aka total hotness.

    @Jay Ramos, read the last sentence of the above paragraph.

    As for the rest of you AT&T Haters…
    Lets analyze the competition shall we?

    T-Mobile: Great company, but they will admit their service is spotty at best but that i made up for by their low prices and commitment to customer service.

    Sprint: With an expansive EV-DO Network its no wonder sprint’s data speeds are good, when you can get them. Sprints customer base is only 40% saturated with high speed Rev. A data devices. The rest of their customers are rocking some combination or iden (boost/nextel) or Rev.0 data (phones 6 months old + Virgin). Good pricing for a fairly reliable service but forget it when you talk about customer service.

    Big Red: I’ll admit, they have the best coverage map. Every wonder why? They don’t bother telling you that the coverage they have in rural no-where america is at -100dBm on their 1x service. If you needed to look that up don’t bother replying. Verizon is the essential evil empire holding back wireless evolution

    Big Blue Bell: Does AT&T have the most coverage? Nah, do they have the best coverage? Absolutely. AT&T gives you quality of quantity with 70% of its markets being covered with glorious 3G. Who has the fastest 3G? Its pretty obvious by the fact that all 4 major carriers have plans on joining the 3GPP bandwagon Ma Bell started years ago. Is AT&T for everyone? Absolutely not, WAY overpriced but we can chalk that up to them having no backbone. If the big red check mark does it then it must be brilliant so AT&T follows right along with all its pricing. Fortunately they do get the best phones as well as worldwide compatibility. I’m not saying its always true but if the entire world is following a certain path, GSM, why would people like sprint and verizon start large companies that would only interfere with progress?

  27. Hopefully AT&T, if they get it. Wont disable any of the features on it like they’ve been known to do …

  28. any news on HTC HERO coming to the US on AT&T? Its october…

  29. I knew this was 2 good 2 be true. Almost Nov and not a peep. Boooo!! Guess I’ll settle with an unlocked My Touch:(

  30. Pleasse come to At&t ! Please contact me if it ever does….ASAP I realllly want this phone for att .!

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