
HTC Hero: Car Love and Videos


Yesterday we posted an HTC Hero Unboxing video that was Day 1 in a 7-Day series from CoolSmartphone. Our commenters found it quite funny and one of them wondered why he was recording from the car – and in his Day 3 video that question is answered!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Ummm… the reason I’m doing it in the car is unfortunately we have only got a few days with this handset, and uhm, I – unfortunately we don’t have time to video it uh… in, in the house currently haha so uh we’re videoing it in the car and its all one-handed as usual but uhm…

A few things:

  • That’s what she said (“it’s all one-handed as usual”)
  • That reasoning makes absolutely no sense and I have no clue what that even means. Is this guy locked out of his house for days? Does he live in the wilderness?
  • So far that was my favorite and most hilarious 30-second period in all of 2009 July.

Decide for yourself:

Here is the Day 2 video (PS I like how he says “Welcome to Day Twooo0-uh” in this one haha):

I realize I posted these in reverse order but I wanted to maximize the possibility of you watching that car explanation. I understand that my humor is slightly warped but I thought that was hilarious. I don’t want to detract from this guy’s actual review because while it is very simple and perhaps aimed at newbs, he has put 30 minutes of HTC Hero video up in the past 3 days.

A laugh and some info – double the fun. Maybe this guy is a hero himself… like Clark Kent and the car is his phonebooth?

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Does this guy have a german sounding accent?

    If so, then he is probably one of the dutch guys who is on a promotion tour in the Netherlands, showing the phone throughout the country (they have a special hero-car).

  2. doesnt sound dutch to me

  3. what does a german accent have to do with a dutch guy?!
    Germans and Dutchies have totally different accents my friendo.

  4. this guy have the fingers too big for the touchscreen…he is not able to do multitouch zoom on browser…lol

  5. I thought it was because their site is sponsored by Audi? He does say something about that in the first video right?

  6. The reason he unboxes in the car, I think, is because Audi sponsors his website. He even puts the camera on the audi steering wheel to show the car maker’s symbol. I was impressed with his ability to rustle up such a sponsorship more than anything. Maybe the cruddy car market is forcing car companies to try more innovative an inexpensive targeted marketing.

  7. Wow I’m redundant.

  8. Steve Litchfield of The Phones Show (http://3lib.ukonline.co.uk/sshow/index.html) indicated that the car is actually a good place to record. He gets good lighting and a relatively quiet environment (no wind).

  9. I reckon a table by a window in any room would probably be just as good…otherwise everybody would be doing it.

  10. does the notification bar on this phone still drop down?

  11. I’ve noticed on two separate videos now that using multitouch to zoom a photo only zooms for a second, then the picture snaps back to fit onto the screen. Seems like a bug in HTC’s firmware.

  12. This guy is killing me. If you watch, it seems like he’s using his fingernails to tap the screen (RESISTIVE) since he’s used to Windows Mobile, but that doesn’t work on capacitive so nothing happens and he has to click things five times. Not to mention some thing she says wrong such as holding on the notification bar? You swipe it down. Sorry I didn’t get much sleep last night and him using his fingerNAIL instead of finger really didn’t help my mood :).

  13. Chris: I think he does that because he handles the phone one-handedly. It’s so awkward, it’s indescribable. He has to hold on to the phone so it doesn’t slip off whatever it’s lying on and he has to show us stuff at the same time. Ack. This is freaking aggravating.

  14. The phone looks cool, but this guy made it look pretty difficult to use. I’m hoping it’s just because he isn’t very adept at using the phone. I’m getting that vibe anyway.

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