
T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Ships August 3rd!


If you’re an existing T-Mobile customer and you pre-order the MyTouch 3G in between the July 8th to July 28th timeframe you’ll have your MyTouch 3G by August 3rd! T-Mo makes it very clear that this is before everyone else, so it is likely that it won’t hit retail until at least a few days later.

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This update comes in a T-Mobile email about the MyTouch:


The pre-order starts in less than a week and the first customers will get theirs in just over a month!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Yeah, because it’s not really important when it ships, just that it arrives before everyone else can get one. This way, Android customers will be able to emulate the irrational fanbois lemming behavior of iPhone users.

  2. What’s expanded desktop? Like 5 screens over 3? Also the wallpaper on the picture isn’t one of thew wallpapers rthat comes with the g1, and I have no clue what sherpa is, so it won’t be exactly the same software as the g1

  3. Meh. It’s all about the Hero!

  4. No hardware keyboard is an automatic no sale for me. Seems T-Mobile might succumb to the touch keyboard with the rest of their products. My contract renewal won’t happen if this is the case.

  5. Ugh…unless I can perform root on it. I don’t want it.

    And I was really looking forward to a new Android handset =[

  6. Other then a full touch screen with no hardware keyboard, whats the diff wit this other then the G1, other then the cosmetic differences? Seems the same to me, the real jump will be the Hero, when that comes to the states, that UI is gonna blow everyone else out of the water and will finally put android up there with some respect.

  7. what is the expanded desktop? is it just a phrase to make it sound cooler or is actually different from the g1? and what are the THEMES??? never heard of that before!

  8. Yawn… Another ugly looking Android phone ! No compelling hardware improvements. No OpenGL ES 2.0. 14 mm thick. No 16GB or 32 GB Flash. No hardware H.264 codec. And on top of all, still very expensive (i always buy unlocked). When will the Android crowd understand that they need both Hardware and Software to make a great phone.

  9. Its all bout the G1 baby i love this fone its better then any fone in the whole entire world and wen donut comes out this things gonna HULK SMASH the iphone 3G S and wut ever else they have instore for us

  10. What’s up with so many buttons ? There are like 6 buttons and a trackball ? Its a Touch Phone ! everything could be done with touch. Why waste real-estate on buttons when it could be used to make screen bigger.

  11. I agree, it’s a Yawn.

    HERO is the phone to have now. Magic is really nothing all that hot.

    When the HERO hits US shores, that’ll be the upgrade for me.

  12. Actually when the phone which can support 720p playback hits the US (using Nvidia’s Tegra chip), THAT will be a great update. Just hope it has a QWERTY keyboard to play around with. I was going to buy this phone, but got angry that its priced higher than when the G1 launched just because it has a little more RAM (and no keyboard)

  13. Have any of you commenting even used the mytouch3g I’m guessing not seeing all the naive comments on here… I own and have been using the Google Ion since early June it is hands down a better phone in every respect compared to the G1 (assuming you don’t mind the lack of a hardware keyboard) It is a much better form factor feels great in hand has a glass screen with better contrast. 7 times more user accessible memory 512mb as opposed to only 70mb on the G1. significantly more processing ram which makes everything run much smoother. Coming from someone who has the used the phone for about a month now it has very few similarities to the G1 other than the android software and the obvious fact they are both HTC phones. The only reason the hero looks any better than the magic is its customized “sense” software. The software can be flashed to the magic with relative ease and runs smoothly on it due to the increased processing ram. You guys really shouldn’t be commenting on a phone you haven’t even used. BTW I had previously owned the G1 since October 21st, 2008 (got it a day early through customer preorder) so I know what I’m comparing it to.

  14. T-Mobile is saying that *all* pre-orders ship at the same time, not in order received. That’s also the way Apple did it with the 3GS.

  15. i will only get this if the HTC Hero ISNT for T-Mobile.

  16. Ditto @ Sean. Only getting this if there’s no chance of getting a Hero.

  17. @straightup – I am sure you love your Google Ion/HTC Magic/T-Mobile MyTouch 3G (same device with different names ?), but I don’t think its a compelling upgarde from G1. Its not even useful to compare it to G1, as it has no physical keyboard. This is a latest entry into smartphone market and lets see where it stands against two major competitors – Palm Pre, and iPhone 3GS. 192 MB RAM vs 256 MB for Palm & iPhone. 512 MB Flash vs 8/16/32 GB for others. Still uses outdated OpenGL hardware 4M polys vs 28M polys per sec for iPhone(we need Games, don’t we?). No hardware H.264 codec. Sub-par screen Brightness/contrast. And there are more subtle issues which i wouldn’t bother to detail – but the phone has cheap plastic feel as per many reviewers. It costs $649 unlocked vs $499 for G1. So we’r paying $149 for 64 MB RAM upgrade minus the keyboard ? Can you see now why this phone is lackluster. I am still waiting for a great Android phone to come to market…

  18. well well well what made the G1 so special was it put it self in a different class from the iphony with a keyboard ( not to mention battery replacement, memory card) just to name a few but without a keyboard its just another iphony and im just not that into it. if T-MO trys to give me a magic to replace my G1 we are going to have some problems. I dont care if its the “in thing” to have a thin super model phone that you can tuck away in your wallet. No physical keyboard, no thanks.

  19. oh and by the way the G1 has 256 mem just in incriments of 70mb at a time

  20. The Hero was just confirmed for AT&T. So good luck with that. You’ll be paying $40 per month to our $25.

  21. @skurtis
    The MyTouch actually has 288 RAM not 192.

  22. One big complaint is that the pre-order is for individual accounts only. I currently have 50 phones with T-Mobile and was looking forward to an Android phone with Microsoft Exchange support. I tried pre-ordering on July 8 only to be told that this is not available for business clients. I guess $2,000/month isn’t worth quite as much as an individual paying $75/month!! Am going to re-evaluate my carrier choices.

  23. “T-Mobile USA has decided not to offer the Hero, with its Sense UI and flash support, and is focusing instead on the August 5th launch of the myTouch 3G Android phone.” With that said, it is almost for certain T-Mobile will not be receiving the Hero. However, the FCC did recently pass the Hero and should eventually end up with AT&T and/or Rogers (up in Canada).

  24. @uwsteve

    No, the HTC magic sold in Europe and available on Rogers (Canada) has 288mb, the myTouch has 192.

  25. wow. at&t will be the last carrier to get the hero.if at all sprint most likely. then tmo 2nd. sorry at&t faithful

  26. I CANT DECIDE ON THIS OR THE G1 this is realllllllly bugging me. You guys have no idea.

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