
T-Mobile UK Announces G1 Touch!


When in doubt, Tweet it out! T-Mobile UK has just used their official twitter account to tweet the following message:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


More soon? We want more now! Is the HTC Magic on T-Mobile UK going to be called the G1 Touch while it gets the name MyTouch 3G in the United States? Is the G1 Touch a completely different phone, perhaps the Huawei U8230 that was announced a couple days ago?

Kind of odd that the original G1 would have a second generation version called “Touch” when the first generation version was also a Touch phone. Oh well… we’ll just have to wait and see what it is. And whatever it is we are extremely excited to learn more. As soon as we find something out… we’ll let you know!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I do hope its not the Magic. Expect the HTC Hero to be announced on the 24th June in London, so I’m hoping this has something to do with that perhaps?

  2. Actually, this name makes more sense!

    It’s not a “G2” since it is essentially the same hardware as the G1.
    The only difference is that it doesn’t have a physical keyboard, hence the “touch” name.

  3. I think it’s the Magic … that’s a better name than MyTouch 3G …

  4. The g1 touch is not the htc magic, it still has a slide out screen and keyboard but the phone itself is half the depth and has a much shaper design

  5. Its the HTC Hero

  6. I work for T-mobile in a retail store in newcastle and saw a leak of this today on our internal intranet systems. the handset looks almost exactly like the original G1, except its a different, shiny finish to it and it seems a bit flatter. still got the stupid bent bit at the bottom.

  7. It is going to be the HTC hero. It is the only new HTC phone that has the ‘bendy’ bottom bit. I have seen the photos from the T-Mobile intranet site and compaerd them to the pics on the HTC site. You guys need to have a alook at the video of the HTC hero on their website, it’s awesome. The only question now is when is it available as I am due an upgrade soon ;-)

  8. G1 touch is same as G1 but does not have the keyboard, its slimmer and screen is also better on it. It has 5 MP camera and also office applications in it. Facebook willbe there and also you can update the photos clicked on the camera straight to your Social network website like Facebook. Its also better looking phone compare to G1. Its going to be available in Black color only. Thats the only information I have so far, will let you know when I know more about it.

  9. Here is a link to confirmation that it will be the HTC hero: http://stuff.tv/news/T-Mobile-launches-HTC-Hero-as-G1-Touch/12635/

    The pictures of the hero match that of the ‘G1 Touch’ on the T-Mobile intranet. This is going to be awesome.

  10. I found a bit more info. Expansys have the phone on their webiste with a price tag of £424.99 and an expected release date of 06/07/2009.

  11. The G1 touch is indeed the HTC Hero. It is pencilled in for release in the UK for both prepay and post pay for T-Mobile on July 15th. No prices.
    It will come with 288MB internal memory with a 2GB micro SD card expandable upto 16GB.

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