Verizon Android Fans: Collective Sigh Of Relief

Verizon Android fans have most likely been in a state of confusion and depression regarding their carriers stance on Android. While often viewed as the best network (depending on location) in terms of connectivity, the device lineup could certainly stand improvement. Although the Motorola Calgary is rumored for VZW and we’ve heard a few encouraging comments regarding Android, we’ve never heard it this clearly.

At a Barclays Capital conference, Verizon Wireless CEO Lowell McAdam said the following:

“Over the next six months or so,” he said, “you will see devices like the Palm Pre and the Cousin on our network from Palm. You will see a second-generation [BlackBerry] Storm. You will see a new device we call the Tour from BlackBerry as well. That is an upscale of any other QWERTY-based devices that we have from BlackBerry today.”

He continued, “You’ll see Motorola back into our portfolio. We feel very good about the progress that the Motorola team has made. And, yes, you’re going to see Android devices as well.”

So there you have it loyal Verizon customers… you can breathe a collective sigh of relief. Now comes the anxiety of waiting for the darn thing to arrive on the big red porch!

[ConsumerElectronicsNet via MobileCrunch]

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